INFORMATION - 29 July 2022
CIREBON, TKK PLUS- Hello kids, we meet again in our TKK Plus News. Kids, yesterday was a special day, especially for TKK plus family because yesterday we celebrated the 17th Anniversary of our beloved school. This is special because TKK Plus has been here in Cirebon for 17 years.
The teachers prepared special activities in celebrating this event, such as singing and dancing, storytelling, watching the video made by TKK Plus teachers, and bread decorating. We also invited all of the TKK Plus students to join this event. And you know what? The students were also really excited to join this event even though we just celebrated it via Zoom Meeting.
So, the celebration ran at two different times. The first batch started at 8 a.m. for the K1 and K2 students. K1 students sang and danced, listened to the birthday story, watched videos, made the birthday hat, and decorated the bread. The students looked so happy while they made the special birthday hat and decorated the bread.
After they finished with their hat and bread, they took a picture. Every student felt so proud of their masterpiece…. Wowwww… great job Kiddos!!!
What about K2 students? Of course, they looked soooo happy and excited to celebrate this special day. They sang and danced, listened to the birthday story, watched videos, decorated the bread, and also fun games with words. Not only they have to find the things that were related to birthday stuffs but also, they had to find them according to the teachers’ instructions. Can you imagine that? It was so fun right…
After they had finished with their bread and fun games, they took a picture. Every student felt so proud of their birthday bread that they created by themselves…. Wowwww… great job Kiddos!!!
The second batch started at 8.30 a.m. for our cute PP and PG students. Didn’t want to miss the vibes, they also had a special celebration. They sang and danced, listened to the birthday story, watched videos, and decorated the bread. For PP and PG students, we also ask the parent or helper to participate in this event. The students looked so happy while they made and decorated the special birthday bread and they really looked so confident when they show the bread to their teachers and friends. And also, they couldn’t wait to try their special bread that they made. How funny are they……
The teachers felt so happy and proud of their students. To close the activity, we sent out closing prayers together. Thank you, God, for these 17 years and still counting. We pray that our school can be the best Christian school to guide students to be their BEST!
See you kids on our 18th Anniversary… GOD BLESS YOU ALL
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