Unseen Ending

BERITA LAINNYA - 20 March 2023

Unseen Ending


December 2021, the month when I had this mixed feelings. The perfect definition of a balanced life where I could taste the bitter and sweet of life. This photograph was the climax of the most miraculous moment in my life. The story is about how I learned lots of things during the Christmas musical 2021.


One day in november 2021, just like another 12th grader, i woke up very tired because of the uncountable job that needed to be done. With my raccoon eyes and gestures like zombies I immediately opened my laptop. I was working on my collaboration project that caused me a ton of sleepless nights. Long story short, out of nowhere my old friend from church texted me that she really needed someone to be the lead actor for a Christmas musical in my church. I was stunned for a moment, freezing like a mannequin before answering her. I’ve been asking God to help me going through this insanity and yeah this is His response.


I had done theater performance for years, but never a musical. I thought it would be easy.. Unfortunately I was mistaken. Acting, singing, and dancing at the same time was really difficult. Although I really love acting, I felt discouraged and probably had a minor mental breakdown at that moment. The rehearsal was held every weekend for the whole of December. That means being demolished for a full week. Until one point I realized that my friends and coaches were never mad at me. They just made fun of my mistakes and kept trying their hardest to beat the choreography into me. Sandy, my director, prompted me to put my head up and enjoy the process. When I saw that they were not giving up on me then i’ve no reason to gave up on myself. Well, it paid off. I nailed every scene.


I enjoy every second I've spent with them. All the cast, the coaches and the crew. I’m not only having fun there but learning and growing at the same time. The process of learning how to treat people nicely, how to deal with failure, how to be professional, how to manage my emotions and my time brought unimaginable joy to me.

I never expected the ending would be like this, this musical is unforgettable because it changed me into a better person.

By Jonathan

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