Greedy King

BERITA LAINNYA - 08 April 2022

Greedy King

King Mardy Gold was famous as a greedy king, He asked his people to pay more taxes for many activities they do in his kingdom. He has a chamber to keep his gold which he got from the taxes. Nobody could enter this chamber except him. Everyday King Mardy Gold got into his chamber to count and polish his gold. He could do it for hours.

This morning King Mardy Gold couldn’t find the key of his gold chamber. He searched everywhere but still he couldn’t find it. He remembered yesterday the old man came to his palace while carried a bag, He immediately suspected the old man. He ordered his soldiers to searched the old man.

After 3 days of searched, the soldiers managed to found the old man. King Mardy Gold asked the soldiers to brought the old man to the gold chamber. “Take out the key you have stolen!” said the King. “I didn’t steal anything Your Highness, I came to the palace to asked for food.” Answered the old man. The king didn’t believe it but he hadn’t proof either.

The old man was actually an angel disguised as a human, he was sent by God to changed the king’s behavior. After that day, The old man came to the palace, he wanted to talk with the King. “Your highness, if I help you to find the key, would you allow me?” asked the old man. “Yes, Yes! I will allow you!” answered the King happily. “But, if you want me to help, I have some wish.” the old man said. “Yeah, I will fulfill your wish!”

And then , the old man explained his wish. He wished that the king gave food for poor people. He gave his wealth to orphanage. He changed his behavior to the other people. The King agreed with the old man. Day by day passed, the King started to give food for poor people, he helped other people. The king changed, he became better person. After a long time did that, He forgot about the key.

And that day, the old man came to the palace. The king immediately came and started to tell all his story, the old man very happy to heard that. He thought that it was time to went back to his place. “Your Highness, you have changed, So this is a gift for you.” The old man gave the key to the King. The King was confused and after that the old man changed into his angel form and flew away. The king immediately understood all of what happened. And he felt so grateful to met the old man. Now King Mardy Gold became King Mardy Kind.

Moral of the story is we can’t be greedy, If we have wealth we have to share it with other people. We have to help each other, and also we don’t judge people by it’s cover.


By Cynthia Tjahjadi


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