Fulfill a purpose of our own life by Stefanny..

BERITA LAINNYA - 25 October 2023


Fulfill a purpose of our own life



I had never imagined a single-distinct scent of a room would lead me into this place. I was just 8 or 9 at that time, visiting the hospital to visit my grandfather- he could easily fall sick due to his condition and certain circumstances. Weeks to months spent visiting him in the same place, and it encouraged me to aspire and inspire more. I remembered many disadvantages medical structures were here in Indonesia, statements to diagnosis that sound inauspicious. “I don’t think we can perform such tests here. If possible, we’d love to transfer you to Singapore or Malaysia.” Especially for a disease that is supposed to be comprehensible, I couldn’t believe such a solvable case could be a concern.

Thus, it leads me to be active especially in the faculty of meds as a field of interest as well as to conduct plenty of research for different types of diseases and their prognosis. In 2022 itself, through an organization that is established to provide a helping hand for those who are in need of diagnosis or foremost, prognosis, I had participated in the activities that will affect in helping the villagers in general- but also to share more information especially about the early-diagnosis that shouldn’t be determined without a coherent evidence as well as the help of a white-collar worker.


I had also participated in the writing of medical databases and attended course programmes that are specifically made to analyze modern individualization of healthcare post-Covid19. Before addressing the lack of it, in a critical sense, we need to also perceive the amount of EMTs in our country.


By the research that has been conducted, it is shown that the ratio of residents and doctors or sufficient paramedics here reaches up to the amount of 1000:1 which reaches a concerning state, and by the innovation that our team had materialized, people will be able to scrutinize thoroughly through detailed informations about a certain diagnosis, including treatments and prescriptions, nearest facility, adequate tests as a form of connivance with few medical research companies, and online consultations with the specialists just by phone: still by examining a patient individually and not to instruct them to rely on population-wide trends.


By the research and tests which I had done, it opened up my mind that how a single act could make a huge impact, especially in the field of health where there is still a multitude of things lacking. I discerned that Harvard Faculty of Meds is one of the largest and most distinguished faculty committed to leadership in alleviating human suffering caused by disease and perceived that it has an affiliation with previous research as well as the field of study and the courses that I decide to pursue in the future. With dozens of labs and different fields of studies in social science or in health, granting degrees in Harvard Medical School is a promising chance for me to improve and develop as well as to continue my further research while being supported by prestigious institutes.


With the experiences that I had as well as my participation in health science, it has taught me to approach different problems in a new way. As we fulfill a purpose of our own life, we leave a legacy behind that will always be remembered: and I strongly believe that my purpose in life is to aid and provide assistance for people in order for them to find comfort and safety in their life. Through Harvard Faculty of Medicine, I aspire to develop and contribute to be an active member of the department and to use my former knowledge to strengthen the bond throughout the community, challenge them to reach new heights, and to be dared to make a change for the better.

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