Video Games

English Day - 25 August 2020

These days, a lot of people especially children prefer to spend their free time with playing various kinds of video games from different platforms for hours. This act has certainly made parents become worried with their children since they believe video games only give bad impacts for their children. However, some studies have shown that this activity can also deliver good impacts that can be useful for children’s future and their development in many aspects. As a result ,  I believe that playing video games is beneficial for anyone.


First, some people has proven that playing video games can improve many abilities based on the games that they usually play. This is caused by games that require it players to master certain sets of skills in order to play and enjoy the game itself.  In addition, since most video game players are used to view either their television or screen for a long period when playing video games, usually they will pay attention more to details since they have better vision. Not only that, but certain video games sometimes can test the players thinking and strategic planning when dealing with a particular situation which can develop the players thinking skills.


Numerous people believe that playing video games can reduce stress. People say this because children and adults consider playing video games as a source of entertainment. Besides that, most people that play video games will likely to forget their stressful moments because they are distracted with video games that they play and gamers especially children will definitely be happy if they play something that they like.


Finally, playing video games can also expand someone’s social network. This is due to fact that people can play any video games together with anyone they want to play with. Also, video game consoles like Xbox and Playstation provide chat features that people can take advantage from to interact with others that they don’t know before. Furthermore, some people make friends in real life with their video game friends after playing together and knowing them well from interactions that they had previously.


In conclusion, it is not wise if parents assume that playing video games don’t have any good impacts for children because there are good benefits of playing video games that adults and children can receive. Therefore, I personally believe that people especially children should be allowed to play video games with a proper schedule.


Written by : Brandon Y.


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