Plot Twists

English Day - 20 March 2023

Plot twists are one of the most powerful storytelling tool used in literature, movies, and TV shows. They are the unexpected turns that can completely change the way the story and the characters are perceived, the turns that surprise and shock the audience. Often times the audience would find themselves re-evaluating everything they thought they knew about the story. A well-executed plot twist can turn an average story into leaving a lasting impact on the audience or even the whole industry. In fact, many successful literatures, movies, and TV shows are known for their dramatic plot twists that keep audiences engaged and guessing until the very end.


A plot twist can be used to reveal new information about a character or situation, adding depth and complexity to the story. Other than that, they particularly make a story more gripping because they create suspense and tension in the story. As the audience, we are constantly trying to guess what will happen next and where the story is heading. Therefore when a plot twist occurs in a character, the emotional investment of the audience with the characters could make the story more impactful.


However, not all plot twists are equal. A poorly executed plot twist can feel forced, leaving the audience rather puzzled. One of the most important aspects of a good plot twist is that it should be unexpected, but not completely out of the field. In other words, the twist should make sense in the context of the story as well as the timing of it, so that it could feel like a natural transition rather than a random event.


It is undeniable that plot twists are an essential part of storytelling. However, it's important to know that not every story needs a plot twist to be interesting or impactful. Some stories can be just as compelling without them. In fact, a poorly executed plot twist can ruin a story than not having one at all.


So… which one was more culturally significant, the Renaissance or the twist in “The Sixth Sense”?


Written by Candice Aileen C.


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