How Concert Crazes Are Connected To Fomo

English Day - 12 January 2024


Being in concert is something everyone would love to experience. It gives you an opportunity to reflect on your life, it’s a stress reduction, and also fun. I do believe that being in a concert gives a huge positive impact such as being in a new environment, you get to make the shot to socialize with new people like stepping out of your comfort zone, and if you love listening to music then going to a concert is really a must! 


However, in order to attend a concert, you must get a ticket. In this world there are people who are really determined in having to achieve the tickets and watching the concert, they’re usually known as Concert Craze. At the same time, I do believe that some people who are known as Concert Crazes are consumed by the feeling of FOMO. 


What is Fomo? 

Fomo means Fear of Missing Out, meaning that it’s an emotional feeling some people have familiarity with. The fear of not enjoying what people are enjoying or the feeling of being left out from a rewarding experience. There are two sides to being Fomo, positive and negative ones due to suffering from Fomo. The positive sides are for example: you look at someone living their best moments at life and watching others outshine themselves, can be a way to encourage us to reach for more than what someone can do. It technically motivates us to do our best in life so we could enjoy it just like how people do. Although, there are negative sides to being Fomo, like: Fomo is linked to being in loss of productiveness and also getting distracted. Fomo can also can also cause mental health damage as the aftermath. Recent studies have acknowledged that Fomo can cause people to experience sleep disturbances, social anxiety, depression, and dropping in academic. 


56% of people in this generation are consumed by Fomo making them always wanting to experience things. Due to that, it makes them want to be involved in every single trend or activity. Who suffers from FOMO? Lauren Cook, MFT, states that “Those who are most susceptible to Fomo are the social extroverts who thrive on group energy. It can also impact those who lack self-confidence and security within themselves,” those who are usually affected by Fomo are teens and adolescents. Teens and adolescents are generally the most vulnerable to Fomo, especially within a habit of being online 24/7. The social media platform is sometimes dangerous because it can cause people to envy other people, or sometimes its just people lying to one another about their lives which may lead to a negative self-image. 


The reasoning towards why I’m saying that Fomo is somehow connected to Concert Crazes is because some people tend to feel empty or left out just because they miss out an event or an activity. Therefore, I must say that people who are Concert Crazes are consumed by Fomo but not all of the people who are Concert Crazes may suffer from Fomo. It might just be them the people who really wants to enjoy the feeling of seeing their favorite band or artist on stage, not wanting to miss it. (Cherryl Lyvia Hartanto - Kelas XI IPS 1)

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