Pojok Best : Give Our Live To God

Berita Lainnya - 09 November 2022

Nama : Natalia (XI IPS)

Have you ever heard of God sacrificing Himself to save His human creation? You won't find it anywhere else in the Bible. The question is why did the Lord Jesus have to die?


Some people consider that question as an ordinary question because everyone will die eventually. But what they don't know is that humans die because they sin, while Jesus Christ is sinless. Since Jesus Christ was sinless, He should not have died. In order to die Jesus Christ must "have" sin, because "death enters through sin", without having sin Jesus Christ would not have died. But there are times when we want to declare "war" we have to make sacrifices by making peace with ourselves.


Some tricks that can be done when this happens to us:

  • By trying to talk without raising the tone of the speaker we are talking to.
  • Try not to pay too much attention to the person.
  • When it's too late, remember to always be patient and reply with a relaxed attitude.


Don't ever think that what we can dedicate to God is only related to wealth, material or money. There are many things we can offer to God as a form of our love for Him. Romans 12:1 says, "Therefore, brethren, by the grace of God I exhort you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God: this is your true worship."

With the understanding and tricks from this article, we can give our lives to God by sacrificing and making peace. We can dedicate our time, energy and talents through ministry at church, at home or where we work. Amen.

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