POJOK BEST: Your Mouth, Your Choice

Berita Lainnya - 31 January 2022

Words of God from Ephesians 4:28 with the value of be tough. (Hariman)

Writer: Hariman Noel Simarmata (X MIPA 2) | Editor: Maria Fransisca


Once upon a time, my mother moved plants from one pot to another. In fact, the plant shows negative symptoms. People say plants can also be stressed, one of which is when they are moved. I don't know if it's true or not, but what is certain is that the plant doesn't look fresh and is starting to wither. I casually approached the plant and for some reason I said, "You can't die. You were moved so that you can grow better and bigger. Come on, get up.." Surely the next day, the plant began to look good again and until now it is growing and thriving.


Realize that the words from our mouths can be the tip of God's pen to bless others, people can feel God's grace through what we say. On the other hand, people can fall apart through our negative words too. All of that, we should remember as a choice. Whether we deliver a blessing or a curse, it all depends on us. 


We must really take care not to let our words hurt people we care about by the words that come out of our mouths, including those that we may not do on purpose. How wonderful it would be if we could make people's lives better, liven them up, bless them and make them feel grace through us, including the words we speak to them. Even plants can be affected by good words that come out of our mouths, especially for humans. 


Let's keep our tongues so that we don't say negative, dirty or even cursed words, but say only constructive words that can bless others.

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