Pojok Best : Respecting And Obeying Your Parents

Berita Lainnya - 07 December 2022

In one of Paul's letters in the Bible, he said "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right". In the word "children", surely you can understand who Paul was talking to. He talks more to you than to your parents.


Is it easy to obey and respect your parents? Of course, that depends on you, right? If your mom tells you that you have to eat three pieces of candy every night, it's easy to obey, right? If your dad tells you to buy the toy you've always wanted, it's easy, isn't it? But if we reverse this situation, if you are really hungry for candy and your dad says no to buying you a toy, is it easy to comply?


Respecting and obeying your parents will be difficult when you don't like what they tell you to do. Because it's hard, you'll need a reason to do it. So, Paul gives a reason, which is "because it is true". Imagine you put on your clothes, go downstairs and your mother tells you to change and maybe say "The color of that shirt doesn't match the color of your pants at all". It is appropriate for children to obey their parents because that is the best way. It is God's plan, and that's a good reason to do it.


The Lord Jesus was a very obedient child, and he had a life full of difficulties. But if you obey and learn from your parents who teach you in the way of God's death, you yourself will become wise and pious, and you will know God and experience His presence and protection wherever you are and whatever you do.

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