Stretch Those Muscles and Look After Your Eyes

English Day - 25 January 2022

Time flies really fast, a full whole  year has passed since WHO (World Health Organization) declared the COVID-19 pandemic on 11 March 2020. That means you and I have been stuck at home sitting  in front of our electronic devices to finish our work and school tasks - Yeah, name it all, your laptop, pc, mobile phone, that tv in the living room and even your old game consoles that haven’t been played since forever. I bet you’re even reading this on your phone or laptop while slouching down and is suffering from tired eyes and stiff muscles. As someone who almost spent all their time staring at some kind of screen I know that they’re really a go through. That’s why today I’m going to share a few easy tips that can help with your eye strain and also that neck, shoulder and back pain you’re feeling right now.

Neck, shoulder and back stretch

This is inevitable for everyone who spends their time slouching down and looking at the monitor screen. Sometimes we are not even aware of our bad postures until someone points it out. It is really hard to keep sitting in a perfect posture. That’s why it is important to stretch often to avoid getting muscle aches.

The standing hamstring stretch

Set one foot on a low desk, stool or stair step. Standing tall, keeping your chest high, hips square and tailbone lifted, bend forward from your hips. Feel the stretch in the back of your thigh or knee. Do this for about 20-30 seconds and repeat with the opposite leg.


Shoulder stretch

This can be done standing or sitting. Stretch one arm across your chest, holding with your other hand and pull it toward your chest until you feel a stretch. Do this for 30 seconds each.


Lower back stretch

While sitting and keeping your back straight, bring one of your knees towards your chest. Using your hands, gently pull your thigh towards you. You should feel that tension in your lower back. Stretch for 30 seconds, relax and repeat for the other leg


Neck stretch

Sit facing forward with your shoulders straight. Slowly turn your head to one side until you feel the tension on that side of your neck and shoulder. Turn to the opposite side and repeat. You can do this for 30 seconds for each side.


Eye strain

They’re a part of the consequences of using electronic devices. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be minimized. You can consider these tips to reduce eye strain.


Adjust the lighting and reduce screen glare. 


Find that perfect lighting for your eyes, don’t let it be too dark or too bright!

Take frequent breaks. 


Occasionally look away from the screen and shut your eyes for a few seconds when you’re working.

Use artificial tears. 


Use them when your eyes are starting to feel dry but make sure to not use it everyday especially if your eye drops contain preservatives as they can worsen your eye symptoms. Use them about 2-3 times a day and if possible use it every other day.


Don’t get addicted to it as it is only a short term fix. The best way is to reduce your amount of screen time for the day.

Adjust your screen monitor.  


Position your screen directly in front of you about an arm’s length away so that the top of the screen is at or just below your eye level.


It’s totally okay to be busy but make sure to take care of yourself first. Your health is really important and it doesn't come cheap. No one knows when this pandemic is going to end and that means that we may be spending more and more time working or studying from home. So get enough sleep, eat well and exercise well. Your future self will be very thankful for it.


Written by Neysa Nataniella  /  XIIA2 / 19



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