For The Traveller's Soul : Road Trip Essentials

English Day - 08 January 2024

It’s that time of the year again. That time of the year where the highways and streets are flooded by cars and families, all swarming and wrestling just to get to their desired destinations. Ranges from hometowns to downtown, this week is where the chance is for the whole family to plan a getaway from their usual routinaries.


Commemorating Eid al-Fitr, our school granted students two weeks off school to rest, to study, and to get back on their feets. It’s a time to have some rest, a time to continue on the read and watch list, a time to spend with family and friends, and etcetera. Amongst those things, should you dare, you can also join the traffic madness and go on a road trip with your loved ones. 


Road trips can indeed be fun. It’s the time and chance where everyone can learn new things, whether it’s about each other or even if it’s about themselves. But under realistic circumstances, road trips can also be tiresome and dangerous. On the road, it really can get boring and in some cases some people can get prone to sickness.


But really, those reasons shouldn’t be an excuse to skip on an adventure. You’re one door away from new exciting memories you can look back and laugh upon. Hence why these tips can be useful for you : 


1. Find something to do on the way

Let’s face it, the most excruciating part of a road trip for most people is the drive. Sitting in the car for hours can be mundane and tiresome, so in that case the best solution is to find something to do. You can bring a book, download a movie, bring a rubik's cube, save some music on your phone, and many more. Another thing you can try to do that could benefit the trip in general would be to plan a mini itinerary.


But, if you can easily experience carsickness, then you can always just have deep talks or light chats with your trip companion or even just sleep. Sleeping is one of the best ways to escape wait.


2. Stay charged and have backups

During a trip, it’s always important to have an electronic device at hand for emergencies. In that case, don’t forget to pack a charger and a powerbank in your hand carry. That way you’ll stay secure for communication and entertainment. Make sure you have the correct kind of charger for each device so that you can charge each device with the correct cable.


3. Nourishments and hydration

Now, who doesn’t love snacks? In this case, don’t forget to pack some snacks for extra energy. Don’t forget to also pack liters of water to make sure you stay hydrated. You can adjust to how much water you’d bring considering the possibility of you finding minimarkets and rest areas. Should you predict that the road you travel wouldn’t have many stores to buy more water, then you should prepare for more on the road.


However, try to stay away from sugary drinks. Hence you’ll find it easier in managing water intake and urination, considering the fact that you won’t have that much chance for toilet breaks on the road.


You can also stock caffeine for the driver. Driving while you’re hazy is terribly dangerous, which is why a bottle of coffee shouldn’t hurt to regain awareness. On the other hand, keep in mind to not stay on the road up until too late if the driver shows signs of any sickness or headaches. You can always take a mini detour in cheap hotels and continue the journey in the early morning.


4. Personal medications and care items

Lastly, don’t forget to bring personal medications. Illness such as hypertension, kidney problems, and etcetera often has a few pills which have to be taken regularly. You shouldn’t forget to bring your personal medications for it may lead to a very serious deficiency and complication. Should you not have any illness, it’s always good to keep taking vitamins. So, don’t forget to bring some, to make sure you stay healthy and strong throughout the trip.


And for the female readers, don’t forget to bring some pads, as your cycle may probably be a mess contrary to your prediction.


And that’s it! Now, you’re ready to leave with your bigger suitcase and your family. Don’t forget to also bring the soft copy of vital documents as the accommodation center might ask for them. (Cathleen - Kelas XII MIPA)


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