
Berita Lainnya - 02 September 2021

Therefore, if you are raised up with Christ, seek the above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Think of the above, not the earth. For you are dead and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, reveals himself one day, you will reveal yourself with Him in glory. Colossians 3 : 1-4



A husband has just arrived home. Excitedly, he told his wife about his great business idea. He pleaded with his wife to support the idea and was willing to give away all his savings. At dinner, enthusiastically, the husband talked about their bright future and how they would eat on gold-plated plates. In astonishment, his wife looked at him and replied, "Will the taste of the food be more delicious?"

Dear All, often we prefer to have a gold plate much better than enjoy the food itself. Even though the gold plate does not automatically have a good taste. Our orientation and life priorities are often reversed. What should be more important becomes unimportant. Saint Paul advises us not to think of the things on "earth" but in "heaven." As people who have lived a new life with Christ, our orientation and purpose in life should be different. Therefore, perhaps we need to learn to prepare what is most fundamental to ourselves. We may need to reevaluate our current life priority list and make a new list of life priorities. (Agatha)

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