If We don’t Have Peace with Him, We cannot Enjoy with Ourselves or with Other People

Berita Lainnya - 09 November 2023

We often hear our friends say, "I need healing." In this time, the term of "healing" is often connected with holidays to quiet place, comfort places, and far from the crowd and bustle of the city to gain peace. People want for peace and interpreting the peace in some quiet place. However, the assumption that it is limited to calm in certain places often degrades the meaning of true peace. In fact, peace is more than just a situation, peace is calmness of heart and soul even in the midst of a storm. Peace is the key of happiness in life that is not affected by circumstances. As people living in Christ, is there any reason for us to lose peace? We must promise that no matter how complicated life is, we must live it with a peaceful heart, because this is our responsibility and our right.


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