Poetry Writing and Reading Competition, FH UNPAD 2021

Berita Lainnya - 28 September 2021

My poem is called Escape the Blue and it is a type of prose poetry. It has two pages. I designed it in an old-school newspaper format, with the intention of having the same vibe as how people in the 1900s got their information about the pandemic from newspapers.

Escape the Blue means leaving behind the sadness and negativity that is portrayed by the word "blue". I also made it rhyme with -oo and -e endings.

Though the theme is "driven with hope to survive through the pandemic", I took a different approach to my poem. I explained the stigma regarding negativity of the pandemic. How people — mostly the older generation — pity us for spending our high school lives through online classes and not being able to meet our friends and hang out. It gets tiring after a while.

Why can't we just enjoy the fact that we're alive and healthy? Why must we focus on the things that we can't get? I think we should count our blessings instead. Hope does not come when you only cry about spilt milk.

This is the message I wanted to give them — I'm done participating in your pity party. I'm the one who gets to decide my happiness, even in the middle of the pandemic.

I hope you enjoy my work.

Best regards,
Alyx (XI IPA 3)



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