Ayat Alkitab 19 Februari 2021 (English Day)

Berita Lainnya - 19 February 2021

Well, well. Look what finally decided to show up! It's Friday 😊

Hello SMUKIERS, May our weekend be a restful one. Be very grateful for Lord's mercy to give us a chance to have another new week.Β 


Our this week's quote kindly reminds us that love is the greatest of all three things: faith, hope and love. There is a statement saying that true love is patient and unlimited. It does not claim rights or demand privileges but it always puts other people the priority. The bible says true love is not self-seeking, always supportive and inspiring. It never thinks evil and suspiciously of the beloved. True love is a foundation for all the years to come.Β 

Therefore, let's share God's love, the true love for the people around us. Ask our Lord Jesus to enable us to see people with His love as Jesus sees and loves them.

Have a blessed weekend.Β 

May Lord Jesus bless us all and stay safe.πŸ™πŸΌ


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