POJOK BEST: Perseverance

Berita Lainnya - 13 October 2021

Quote about perseverance with the value of trust in God. (Rahel)


Writer: Rahel Jasmine (11 Social) | Editor: Maria Fransisca


Perseverance is one of the most common values we learn as a human being and as a Christian. Generally, perseverance is described as persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. By that, we can conclude that the quality of being perseverant does not only require persistence, but further, we have to be able to go through the difficulty or delay. Because in order to achieve our goals, there must be difficulties and delays that we have to deal with.


The holy bible also speaks about perseverance. As an example, the most common and well known bible verse of perseverance is Hebrews 10:36. According to bibleref.com, we Christians ought to be extremely confident in our faith. This confidence in Christ then will strengthen us in facing the difficulties even in the face of persecution.


The word perseverance as mentioned in the verse does not mean or have the intention for someone to be a Christian. Instead, it aims for us who believe in Christ to persist in what we believe, for there is known that Hebrew Christians were to deliberately remain loyal to the doctrine of the finished work of Christ. The verse also refers to the result of us, the believers that have been perseverant to the finished work of Christ is to receive what God promised. The “promise” here is the thing promised or the reward for “endurance.”


In conclusion, as quoting Matthew Henry’s comment about the verse, perseverance in this verse is realizing that Christian's present conflict may be sharp, but will be soon over. And those who have been kept faithful in great trials for the time past have reason to hope for the same grace to help them still to live by faith, till they receive the end of their faith and patience, even the salvation of their souls. Living by faith, and dying in faith, our souls are safe forever.


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