Pojok Best : Holy Spirit

Berita Lainnya - 11 October 2023



Author : Angela



One day, Amber and Asha play in the park near their house. Amber always takes care of herself to not do wrong things and remembers that her parents say to not go with strangers even the strangers say that they have a lot of candy. But Asha just didn't care about what her parents said, their parents said the same thing to not go with strangers.

And in that moment, 2 strangers people just came and said that their parents said that they had to follow them to their house and their parents would pick up them at their house. Amber doesn't care what the strangers say, but Asha wants to eat candy, She say that she will follow them to go to their house and get the candy. But Amber give her some warning. But she ignored what Amber said, Amber ran to their house to talk to her mom. And her mom calls the police, and the police catch the strangers. If Asha followed them to their house and got what she want, even she didn't know who the strangers. Maybe no one knows where she is now.

Best teens, Sometimes we always didn't care about our self, what we're doing right now. How that things give some impact on our future. God created us with the Holy Spirit in our self. This Holy Spirit lead us to take care ourself to not fall into sin. One person following the Holy Spirit will be different with other people who follow their flesh lust. One person with the Holy Spirit will know what they do and the impact for their future. So, always take care of yourself and ignore your flesh desires. God sending the Holy Spirit to live in ourself so don't close your heart, but open it and let the Holy Spirit work in your heart and your life. 

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