POJOK BEST: Guard Your Tongue

Berita Lainnya - 17 January 2022

Bible verse from Psalm 34:14 with the value of be tough. (Oscarino)

Writer: Oscarino Fernandez (10 Science 1) | Editor: Maria Fransisca



In these hard times, it is difficult for us to keep our words from hurting other people, with each of us having different problems every day so our mood will not be good. We still have to keep our anger and not throw our words without thinking about it first.


We must think about what the effect would be if we say a certain word or sentence, it might not be hurtful to us but it can be hurtful to others that have more sensitive feelings than us.


We must think about others rather than always only think about ourselves. That would be selfish of us, wouldn’t it?


So we must think about each word carefully not just to be unharmful for anyone but also to make us more wise about our decision making.


All of this may be really exhausting sometimes but as a believer of God, we must believe that if we do this, someone out there will do it to us as well.

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