Upside Down Life of Samantha, The Florist

BERITA LAINNYA - 11 July 2022

Upside Down Life of Samantha, The Florist

     Samantha and Christopher grew up together in a small orphanage. They liked to help each other and shared things and food too. As they grew older, they had to leave the orphanage and find a job to support their lives. Christopher got a job in big company whether Samantha worked for a florist.

     One day, while Samantha was decorating flowers, the doorbell ringing. A beautiful woman and a gentleman got into the shop. “How can I help you?” Samantha greeted them and was really surprise to know that the gentleman was Christopher.

     Samantha covered her mouth as she gasped. Christopher smiled as he looked at Samantha sofly, “I’ve been searching for you this whole time and found you address. And this is my wife, Jenna. So, how’s life?” He asked. Samantha nodded and greeted Jenna once again with awkward smile, “Uhm, well you grown up fast and you got preety wife. I’m good.”

     “Yeah, you have such a nice flower garden here, very refreshing. I will come often. Jenna, which one do you want?” Christopher asked while he caught his wife staring at a beautiful flower, it was a bucket of Purple Cezanne Roses. “Are you sure? They got expensive flowers, no wonder why they’re beautiful,” asked Jenna. “Anything for you darling.” Christopher grabbed a bucket of roses, “I assure you prefer this one?”

     “You really know my taste, so beautiful! Thank you.” She took the roses and smelled it. Christopher smiled widely, Jenna reaction was 10 out of 10 which made him happy. “Sure, my pleasure. Samantha, so how much for that bucket?”

“Since it’s the first time we met after years, it’s free.”

     They chatted for a while, the room has been filled by joy and laughter, sometimes their face turned very serious as they talked about their job or up and down life. Until the sun rised, and suddenly Christopher’s alarm ringed loud. “Sadly I have to catch a meeting today. Thank you. I will come often.” They say goodbye to each other. Thereafter, Samantha was alone in her beautiful flower shop. She sighed, “I wish i am as successful as Christopher. Life must be good.”

     She didn’t realized that a magical flower heard her words. She really wanted to be happy for her bestfriend, but deep down inside her heart, she had ambition that made her disappointed. However, she shifted her focus to kept her performance good as she worked. Didn’t realized that it was already 8 PM. She closed her flower shop and rode her bike home. She opened her apartment door, it was a small clean unit with minimalist kitchen and a room beside the kitchen. She was really tired, she immediately jumped to her bed and slept so early.

     Suprisingly in the morning, she woke up in a very luxury room. High quality furnishings with opulent, attention to aesthetic details, seems very expensive. “Where am i?” It was her story began as a rich successful young woman. Will it be as perfect as Samantha’s expectation?

By Vianna


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