BERITA LAINNYA - 31 October 2023


Edrick Robert


            Nowadays, there are many kinds of transportation that you can choose to commute in a big city. The transportation splits into two different types, public transportation and private transportation. Society usually talks about the advantages and the disadvantages of those choices. Some of them like to travel by public transportation, while others like to travel by private transportation.


People who like to use private transportation say that they have more privacy. They don’t think about all of the money and the efforts they should spend. By using public transportation, you also save the world from pollution. It won’t abolish the pollution, but it will reduce the pollution. Many people prefer to travel around with public transportation than private transportation as using public transportation has more advantages. Traveling around with public transportation saves more money, saves more time & energy, and doesn't need a lot of preparation.

            Firstly, using public transportation is so much cheaper than using private transportation. By using private transportation, you need to prepare monthly insurance fees and monthly service fees. If we think about it, using public transportation is not that bad. We do not need to pay for maintenance of our personal vehicles. We spend a lot of money on car maintenance.


Some examples are the cost of washing a car, the cost of changing the oil, the cost of replacing the brake pads within a certain period of time, and the cost of filling the radiator coolant fluid. The cost spent on washing a car is roughly in the range of Rp 35.000,00 to Rp 50.000,00. Even though we can save on these costs by washing our own cars, we also have to calculate the costs we need to wash our own cars at home. We have to pay for the water pump, the cost of buying a hose, the cost of buying soap, and the cost of electricity.


The cost of changing the oil usually depends on the car you have. Different cars require different amounts of oil. Currently, the cost of changing the oil periodically in the city of DKI Jakarta is in the range of Rp 62.000,00 to Rp 850.000,00. The cost of replacing brake pads depends on how far our car has traveled. Brake pads usually have to be replaced after traveling long distances ranging from 40,000 kilometers to 70,000 kilometers. The durability of the brake pads depends on the car we use. The cost of replacing brake pads is generally Rp 350.000,00 to Rp 450.000,00.

The radiator coolant will decrease with use, so it costs money to replace the radiator coolant on time. Just like brake pads, radiator coolant fluid should be filled after traveling a distance of around 40,000 kilometers to 70,000 kilometers. The cost required to fill the radiator coolant fluid is Rp 38.000,00 for the cheapest and Rp 130.000,00 for the most expensive.

After calculating, car maintenance costs approximately Rp 982.500,00. Next, using private transportation also makes us need gasoline costs. The cost of gasoline varies depending on the car and the type of gasoline. If we want to see, the average cost is Rp 23.850,00 per day or Rp 596.250,00 per month.

According to lifepal, an Indonesian insurance website, using public transportation, we only need Rp 11.500,00 per trip. Rp 4.000,00 for bus to the station fee, Rp 3.500,00 for train costs, and Rp 4.000,00 for transportation costs from the station. So, we need Rp 690.000,00 to go back and forth for 30 days. That's the average data in one of the big cities in Indonesia, DKI Jakarta.

Then, using private transportation also makes us need parking fees and freeway fees. Based on the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, Jakarta’s average monthly parking fee is Rp 415.980,00. And for freeway fees, it is divided into 3 groups, group 1 with a tariff of Rp 10.500,00, group 2 with a tariff of Rp 15.500,00, group 3 with a tariff of Rp 17.500,00. The difference in groups is based on the destination of each trip. As we have observed from the costs above, using public transportation is much cheaper than private transportation.

            Secondly, sightseeing in a big city with public transportation saves more time and energy. By using public transportation, you don't have to drive. Driving requires a lot of energy, especially if the car used is a manual car. By using public transportation, you don't need to do anything and you just have to wait until you arrive at your destination.


Moreover, driving with a private vehicle has a big potential where we can be stuck by traffic jams. Our energy will be wasted because driving in heavy traffic is much more tiring. While with public transportation, such as commuterline, you won't be stuck in traffic jams because it has its own railways. Being stuck in traffic jams also makes us lose a lot of time that we could have used for other things. For example, if you're supposed to be in a meeting, but you're stuck in traffic, you'll be late and get into trouble. We will also miss out on material that we should have gotten in a meeting.

As a result, when there's a vote or discussion session, we'll be in a daze and we can't keep up with the topic. Then, we could potentially get a ticket if we drive our personal vehicle. Breaking the rules is something we often do intentionally or unintentionally. Often we try to avoid breaking the rules, but the situation urges us to break the rules. There are many laws that can ensnare us in traffic.


According to dataindonesia, a website that records Indonesia’s general data, in 2021, the number of traffic cases violations in Indonesia reached 2.21 million. This number is divided into 879,962 major violations, 269,996 moderate violations, and 965,286 minor violations. The data is only 2021 data, where electronic ticketing has not yet been implemented. There are still many Indonesians who have ways to avoid the police when violating traffic rules.

For example, when we are too lazy to wear a helmet, we can easily pass through rat roads or roads that are not guarded by the police. With electronic ticketing, traffic can be monitored through cctv at traffic lights. Although the government's action is not enforced directly at the time of the incident, people will be fined according to the applicable laws during tax renewal. So, sightseeing in a big city with public transportation saves your energy and time about driving by yourself, being stuck by the traffic jams, or getting tickets from the police.

            Third, with public transportation, you don't need a lot of preparation. When you want to use private transportation, you have to prepare various things. The main thing we need to prepare is our driving license. Getting a driving license is not easy. There are tests that we have to do beforehand. According to kompas, websites containing online news and articles in Indonesia, the test to get a driving license is divided into 3, namely a theory test, a skills test through a simulator, and a practical test.


The theoretical test is further divided into 2, namely a theoretical test on traffic and a psychological test. All rules regarding these tests are regulated in Article 13 of the Indonesian National Police Regulation No.5 2021 concerning the Issuance and Marking of Driving Licenses. After taking these tests, we don't just receive our driving license for free. We may not pass the test and have to retake it.


Every time we take the test, we need a fee of Rp 50.000,00 to Rp 250.000,00. Imagine how much it will cost us if we keep failing the test. Then, by driving with private transportation, we have to prepare the vehicle that we will use. We will spend our money on the cost of buying the vehicle, the cost of maintaining the vehicle, the cost of gasoline and the cost of freeway. Besides, we also need to heat up the vehicle before use. This wastes time and energy. We also have to wake up early to avoid being late. Next, we need to prepare stable emotions and mentality.

Riding private transportation forces us to be emotionally and mentally stable. We can get into trouble on the road, we need to have stable emotions in order to be able to control ourselves and overcome the problem without being emotionally overwhelmed. If we don't have stable emotions and mentality, we will also be easily angered when someone races our vehicle or someone makes a small mistake. By having problems with others, we will spend our precious time on less important things. The psychological test will also detect whether we are emotionally and mentally ready or not. In the end, there is so much to prepare before we decide to travel by private transportation.

            In conclusion, people in big cities prefer to use public transportation rather than private transportation. There are several reasons that support them choosing public transportation. First, they save more money because they don’t have to pay the maintenance costs, fuel costs, parking fees, and freeway fees. Second, they don't have to drive by themselves, get stuck in traffic jams, and get a ticket from the police. Third, they don't have to prepare driver license, their own vehicle, also their stable emotions and mentality. That's why people prefer to use public transportation rather than private transportation. So, do you prefer to use public transportation or private transportation?




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