"Simple Glee in Life"

BERITA LAINNYA - 21 July 2022

"Simple Glee in Life"

     Saturday, January 1st, 2022, was one of the most memorable and special days in my life. Here is why. My family and I got to spend some time together eating barbecue at Gyu-Kaku Prime in Plaza Indonesia. Going out at New Years is not something that my family and I do annually, but my father thought this year (2022) should be a special year because I will be off to college soon, so he and my mother thought we should spend more time together.

      That day, I thought it was going to be another boring day because as I have mentioned before, my family and I usually just stay at home, watching movies, during holidays. As I was watching my favorite TV show, The Vampire Diaries, my father suddenly shouted, “Get changed, kids! We’re going to have a barbecue!” This made me very excited, but not the same thing could be said to my brother. I think he was still angry at my mother but I did not remember why. We arrived at Plaza Indonesia at 11 which was the mall’s opening hours which is why there were not many people around. Unfortunately, the restaurant was not ready to serve the meal at that time, so we had to wait until noon, 12 PM to be precise. Luckily, the staff was kind enough to let us go inside and order the food so that by the time the clock reached 12 o’clock, the food would be ready and we could eat without waiting in line like other people. We waited there for like an hour or so while video calling my grandparents who went to Pantai Indah Kapuk with my aunts and uncles. The food arrived at exactly 12 o’clock and we had to end our video call. By the time our food arrived, there were many people who had waited in line to get into the restaurant. I was so glad we arrived early because we could eat right away. The meat looked very appetizing and it tasted even better. Even my brother’s mood lightened up as soon as the food went inside his mouth and I quoted him “What? It tastes like heaven!” However, it was our first time in a while eating barbecue so we were pretty scared of the fire as it got bigger after we put the meat fat inside the grill. Long story short, we finished eating in less than 2 hours and then we went to Grand Indonesia.

     The trip to Grand Indonesia only took a 10-minute walk because it was just across from Plaza Indonesia. In Grand Indonesia, we went to several stores and bought some things. My mother got me a new dress and hoodie from Zara and H&M, while my father bought himself some new shirts. My father and mother also went to Nike and Adidas to try some new shoes but they did not buy any of them. Meanwhile, my brother and I went to Gramedia to buy some novels and stationery. Gramedia is one of my favorite destinations when going to a mall as stationery and books are the things I love to collect. Eventually, I bought a novel entitled “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins and a bunch of pens for school while my brother decided not to buy anything because he wanted to save his money. Afterward, we went back to Plaza Indonesia as we parked our car in Plaza Indonesia’s basement. Then, we took a quick stop at the supermarket to buy a few liters of orange juice, as well as other things like snacks and toiletries. Unfortunately, we had to end our journey because it was getting dark and we did not want to get stuck in the traffic. Nevertheless, it was one of the best mall trips I have ever gone to.

      That is my story of spending my New Year with my family. Even though it seemed very ordinary because we only went to Grand Indonesia and Plaza Indonesia, eating barbecue, and shopping, it was one of my memorable moments as I got to spend the whole day with my family and I am super grateful I got to experience it with my loved ones.

By Charrence Josephine Setiawan



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