"Revenge of The South"

BERITA LAINNYA - 15 July 2022

"Revenge of The South"

There were two villages which were used to be one big and prosperous village. Two greedy leaders had fought for being the only leader. Then they divided the village and brought their people to live separately; North Village and South Village. They built a stone bridge to go in and out of the villages.

One day, an old lady and a young girl were crossing the bridge. They were from the South Village. “Stop!! Who are you and what is your purpose coming to this village?” Three big and strong guards stopped them.

The old lady didn’t say a word. “We were told to bring out a letter to your village leader,” the young girl spoke up. The old lady reached for her dirty pocket and pull out a piece of letter. The guards didn’t believe it, they knew that the North Village leader would never accept such diplomacy things like letters. Three of them looked at each other. The one in red leather armor was shaking his head, signaling disagreement.

“You fool! Get lost! Our leader isn’t going to read this letter anyway,” grunted the other guard. The lady and the girl didn’t say a word, and the guards violently pushed them back to the South Village.

They came to the leader’s hut in the South Village. The leader was surprised after he saw their faces were covered in bruises. The girl spoke up once again, she told the leader that the North leader didn’t accept letters. She also said that they were harmed by the guards. The South leader was furious. He made an evil plan to kill the North leader.

The next day, the South leader sent the old lady again, but not with the girl. The lady was carrying a basket filled with fresh apples. However, the upper layer was for the normal apple, and the ones at the bottom of the basket were poisoned. The lady crossed the bridge and met the three guards again. The guards were confused.

“What’s your purpose coming here, old hag? Haven’t you learned your lesson?” said one of the guard. The lady kept calm, and while she was taking out an apple from the upper layer of the basket, she said, “Our leader wants me to give out fresh apples as a form of love to your leader. Would you like a taste?” The guard in red ate the apple she gave him, and it was juicy. The red guard looked at the other ones and nodded. The lady said, “The ones at the bottom are the best. Give those to your leader,” then she proceeded home.

With no clue that the apples at the bottom were poisoned, the guards gave the poisoned apple to their leader. Three hours later, the North leader was found dead in his hut. After hearing the news of the North’s leader passing, the South leader let out a devilish cackle.
His evil plan worked out.

By Daniel Mangaraja


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