BERITA LAINNYA - 18 April 2022


Samantha and Christopher grew up together in a small orphanage. They liked to help each other and shared things and food too. As they grew older, they had to leave the orphanage and find a job to support their lives. Christopher got a job in big company whether Samantha worked for a florist.


One day, while Samantha was decorating flowers, the doorbell ringing. A beautiful woman and a gentleman got into the shop. “How can I help you……?” Samantha greeted them and was really surprise to know that the gentleman was Christopher, “Chris?” Samantha said as her then calm face turned into shocked.”Sam?” Chris said with the same confused look on his face.


“I’m  sorry, do you two know each other?” the beautiful woman asked , “oh this is Samantha,she’s my childhood friend at the orphanage.” Chris said to the woman while Samantha reach for the woman hand to shake them. “uh name is Irene,Chris’s fiancé.


After a long time talking Chris finally said that the flower are for his parents especially for his sick mother,with his statement Samantha was confused,Chris doesn’t have a parents they were together alone without any parental figures at the orphanage.


After a long day of work,Samantha cannot wait to meet her soft and comfy bed,but instead she was met with Chris in a black brand new Mercedes waiting for her.

“Chris?what are you doing here?” Samantha asked the man.” What?so I can’t ask my old bestfriend for a midnight drives and catch up to the thing we did all these years?” Chris said with his knowing all looks on his face,that part haven’t changed.


The ride was silence but Chris break the Chris began to explained that when he was 21,an older couples came up to him and said that they were his parents,They did a dna test it was proven that it’s true ,they’re his biological parents.They explained on how they were forced to get rid of him ,since he was a child before marriage and the family was ashamed of Chris’s parents since they came from a really privillage and wealthy family that run a lot of business around the cities even countries.


“wait,so you turned out to be this ..lost prince?this is so funny” Samantha said as she holding her laugher.’I know..i sounded like a fairy tales but I assure you that was true and I’m not lying” Chris was also surprised when this unbelieveable things happened.


“so is this your place?” Chris said as they pulled up to a 4 stories flat.

“yup it is,thanks Chris ” Samantha said as she exited his car,”goodnight Sam” Chris wishing her a goodnight with a soft smile on his face before driving off.



Weeks went by,and they are getting closer and closer together.Eventually Sam started to have a feelings for him but brushed it off because Chris already have a fiancé . Months went by with out any calls nor seeing him .Samantha was confused,did dhe do something wrong or if something bad happened to him.


After the long shift,she decided to visits him at his apartement penthouse that she got the address from a company files.She pressed the door bell ,but nothing come to answer the door. After around 10 minutes of waiting and pressing bells,she decided that it was her time to go.As she walk away from the door she heard a door opened and a hand snatching her arm and forcing her to the room.


she turned around she sees Chris with messy hair and eyes that looks like he haven’t sleeps in days.


“what happens?Chris” Samantha said as she reached for his face,but Chris put her hand away.

"You wouldn't understand what i'm feeling right now,Samantha." Chris said and walk away from her towards the big window.

"You can tell me anything know that right?do you trust me?" Samantha walks toward him.


"I DO TRUST YOU SAMANTHA!!" Chris said as he turning around and now facing Samantha.


Samantha noticed the absent of his engagement ring.


"Oh no...did she..broke up with you?" Samantha said to him.

"You don't understand do you?i'm so tired of pretending like  i want this lavish life! I DON'T EVEN LOVES  IRENE IN THE FIRST PLACE! I was forced to married to her because she came from a rich family and my mother dying wish was for me to get married with her!it was all for the famillu bussines...i did everything i can to accept Irene..but you know what that woman do?? She cheated on me.. and my mother died without fullfilling her wish” Chris said as he got up from the chair.


"I'm sorry about your lost,Chris.But maybe there's something else that can gives your life meanings.." Samantha said.


"Like what?you?" Chris pointed his finger at Sam.

"Wow..that's really hurt my feeling Chris.." Sam can feels her eyes started to tearing up.


"Sam..i didn't meant it..i'm so sorry" Chris apologized but Samantha just stared at him witg hurtfull eyes.


" Samantha..i don't even loves Irene because my heart belongs to someone else.." Chris said as he walks toward  Samantha.


Samantha grabs her bag and went for the door.


She felt somebody pulling her body and turning her around.

"Stop doing that!" Sam said.


"Because i'm in love with  you,Samantha..since our childhood i always love you...when we met at your florist shop for the first time in a long time..i'm beyond happy" Chris said as he caressing her face and with that they close their distants.


                                                                    THE END


By Vanessa Valencia 


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