Keep Moving Forward for Advanced Indonesia, an Essay for Indonesian Independence

BERITA LAINNYA - 17 August 2023

Keep Moving Forward for Advanced Indonesia

This month we once again celebrate our 78th Indonesian Independence Day, but how does this year’s Independence Day differ from other years? On Friday, August 17, 1945, President Soekarno proclaimed the independence of Indonesia at his house on Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 56, Jakarta. Loudly, Soekarno read out the proclamation script that had been formulated overnight with other proclamation figures. With the reading of the proclamation, Indonesia declared that it was free from the shackles of colonialism that had bound it for hundreds of years. This good news was immediately broadcast through various media such as radio, print media, and regional messengers. This important event only lasted for about an hour, but it brought great changes to the Indonesian nation. Therefore, the proclamation of Indonesian independence can be used as a milestone for the renewal of Indonesian life in all aspects of life. To continue to remember this event and to commemorate the services of the heroes, we commemorate the celebration of Indonesian independence every year on August 17. Each year, a new theme for Indonesia’s Independence Day gets announced.

“Terus Melaju Untuk Indonesia Maju” is Indonesia’s 78th Independence Day theme. You may have heard or seen this theme written on various media such as fliers, posters, or even during the flag ceremony celebrating Indonesia's 78th Independence Day. But what does this year's theme mean? This theme reflects the soul of the Indonesian individuals to proceed with the battle and advancement, collaborating to utilize this energy to realize a progressed Indonesia. This year's 78th Indonesian Independence Day invites all elements of the nation to move forward together and encourage the spirit of struggle that has not ended. Like hand-off wear, which reflects the collective soul, concordance, collaboration, and synchronization of the beat of movement and cooperative energy of contemplations from each runner for one objective. Typically, the vitality of development for the Indonesian country so that the pace of this force proceeds to move forward for Indonesia.

We all know that Indonesia's independence was not achieved for free and required a lot of hard work and even the sacrifice of many heroes. Knowing this, let us together appreciate the services of the heroes who have fought to defend Indonesia's independence. We, as students can also participate in defending Indonesia's independence by starting with small things such as: studying hard, attending flag ceremonies in an orderly manner, and of course, upholding mutual respect and appreciation. We can also appreciate and practice the values taken from the meaning of Indonesia’s Independence Day in our daily lives.

Now, how does Indonesia’s Independence Day affect modern society? As you all may know, In various different media and the internet many new trends and cultures have been introduced to Indonesian citizens like K-POP, Anime, J-POP, etc. This has caused Indonesians, especially Indonesian youth, to be more concerned about foreign cultures than Indonesian cultures. Sometimes, they prefer to buy foreign merchandise such as K-POP merchandise, anime figures, etc. Or, they prefer to wear Western-inspired clothes rather than traditional clothes from Indonesia. In my opinion, being a fan of foreign culture is not a bad thing. However, we should also remember Indonesian cultures and prioritize them. In my opinion, the celebration of Indonesia's Independence Day every year helps us all to appreciate and practice Indonesian culture such as the competitions held during Indonesia's Independence Day, such as sack race, tug of war, panjat pinang, and others. Things like this help us to continue to remember the distinctive cultures of the Indonesian nation.

As stated in the first, and third paragraphs, the struggle from the colonial period to the formulation of the proclamation is so long that the proclamation itself has a very meaningful meaning for the Indonesian people. In the political aspect, of course, Indonesia has the sovereignty of the people, namely the recognition of all Indonesian people that the Indonesian government is the highest government power and is free from all forms of colonialism. This is what the Indonesian people have been fighting for for a long time. From a social aspect, all forms of racial discrimination were abolished from the land of Indonesia. In addition, all Indonesian citizens are declared to have the same rights and obligations in all fields. There are no differences in ethnicity, religion, and so on. There is only one word, namely Indonesia.

In the economic aspect, there is authority for the Indonesian people to lead a prosperous society with the power to control and manage economic resources independently. No more monopolies and appropriation of state property rights by foreigners. The meaning of proclamation in the cultural aspect is that the Indonesian state has a national personality that comes from the culture of the Indonesian people itself. The values of this national personality are reflected in Pancasila ranging from divinity, humanity, unity, and democracy, to social justice.

In the latter aspect, education in Indonesia can be fully independent when all Indonesians, both women, and men, both poor and rich, can pursue appropriate education.  The quality standards of each educational institution have the same level to build a quality generation. Friends, all of these values and aspects are so important that they should be made as the nation’s overlook. Therefore, let us forever apply the values of independence to our daily lives. Friends, let us appreciate the work of the nation's heroes who have struggled from then until now. Let us continue their struggles so that Indonesia can continue to move forward toward a successful and happy future. Merdeka!



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