Does Your IQ Really Matter?

BERITA LAINNYA - 07 May 2021

Does Your IQ Really Matter?


There is a short quote from a book called "Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ" that appears to catch the most attention of all. The quote goes on the line of "In a very real sense that we have two sets of mind; one which thinks and one which feels." Now, if you think about those, our society has been and will always be away more familiar to judge someone's intelligence in a way of finding out their IQ. It has become a hereditary practice to the point where it almost seems like IQ, or what is also known as intelligence quotient. It is the only way to tell whether someone is smart or not, or whether someone will succeed or not. It is not entirely wrong, but neither is it entirely right.

There are, in fact, four types of intelligence measurement in which each of them measures a different aspect of the human quotient. Based on what is written in a book titled, "A Himalayan Trinity", by Mark Oliver (Founder of Mark Two), the four fundamental intelligences are IQ, EQ, PQ, and SQ. For some people, IQ may be a term which they have heard pretty often since IQ test commonly appears as one of the requirements in job application. On the other hand, the others are still vague. Some people may hear them for the first time. So, let us have an overview of those four fundamental intelligences.


  1. Spiritual Quotient (SQ)

Spiritual intelligence is the most fundamental and highest level of intelligence. However, most people commonly misunderstood about SQ as a particular religion dedication to the utmost. In fact, this spiritual intelligence is an ability to discern a goal, vision, and value, and perceive the way to create positive outcomes by wisdom and compassion. It covers three aspects which are responsibility, humility, and happiness. Those with spiritual intelligence have a potential to balance their lives, to be able to make strategic decisions, and to stimulate their inner growth.


General Douglas McArthur once said "It is fatal to enter any war without a will to win it". It highlights the role of someone's will in such a condition. In addition, this condition, along with spiritual intelligence, has an unwavering and persistent will to reach their goals.  It can be a reason why logical people rarely get along with it, their spiritual intelligence.


Thus, are there any ways to improve our SQ? Yes, there are many ways to improve our SQ. Starting with exploring our spiritual core, asking ourselves about what kind of person we are, or changing the way we see ourselves. You can also learn to see things positively and to look for deeper meaning or purpose of your life. By doing so, we will be able to develop our thoughts on ourselves and other people.


  1. Emotional Quotient (EQ)

The second level of intelligence is emotional intelligence. It is very essential for every aspect of life. In short, EQ focuses on the ability to manage every kind of emotion and knowledge to handle it or deal with it correctly. EQ helps people to recognize and to have a better understanding towards themselves, their behaviours, and their emotions. According to an American psychologist, Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence can be classified into five different key elements. The five key elements are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

In most cases, our intelligence is trained to face hard times or live through crisis. An individual with EQ does not let his or her emotions affect their rationality, even when he or she is going hard times.


So, how do we know whether we have low EQ or not? People with low emotional intelligence tend to struggle to control their emotions so they won’t get angry easily Most of the time people think they always have to be 'well-behaved' every time they get into arguing. A person, with low EQ, majorly does not concern with other people's feelings and chooses. They blame others for their problems, instead of introspecting themselves. On the other hand, a person, with high emotional intelligence, takes things with broad perspective and knows precisely how to express his feelings. He observes things before he makes erratic assumptions. He knows exactly the consequences of being presumptuous.


As teenagers, we may commonly find the traits of low EQ around us. If we look closely at ourselves, we might show the signs of low emotional intelligence these times. Does it mean we have failed to be good people? Technically, having lower emotional intelligence does not entirely make you a bad person. However, as we grow up, we have to make improvements by learning to take responsibility for our actions, think before we speak, and examine how our words and actions will affect others. We can also start to normalize things which don't go to the way we want them to go and not to give ourselves any chances outburst our anger.


  1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

The third in line goes to intelligence quotient. IQ is by far the most well-known quotient among people. This is even familiar in various age groups and this makes it no longer new to everybody. Intelligence quotient is a measurement of one's ability of cognitive skills. Cognitive skills are the skills of our brain to think, learn, read, remember, and analyse. These abilities are combined all together to transfer each of the information we get into the bank of knowledge in our brain and then we use it on our daily lives activities.


IQ score is often used in terms of evaluating and assessing someone's  intellectual and determining whether they are eligible for the position they are applying for or not. It is mostly job or school applicants. Companies and schools still use IQ test to know the level of critical thinking, learning ability, and problem-solving of people. However, this still does not prove that IQ can determine somebody's success or everything other than prediction. Some studies have proved that IQ scores can neither measure nor confirm any type of success. Despite some relations between IQ and career achievement, the importance of IQ shall not be exaggerated. Just like what Tim Notke has quoted, "Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard."


While a lot of people think a higher IQ means a better life, many researchers have approved that IQ is only for about 20% of someone’s success. This statement is also emphasized by a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, Richard Nissbet. He stated that an IQ score doesn't measure your practical intelligence, your creativity, and your curiosity. However, after all, IQ is still, and will always be a part of your mind to contribute a lot to your academic performances.


What should we do if we are not satisfied with our IQ score and want to maximize it? The easiest and most enjoyable way for teenagers to do is the teenagers have to challenge themselves and to train their brain with some brain exercise, such as puzzles. It will push your brain to think further and become more critical. It could be Sudoku, Lumosity, Crosswords, Elevate, Braingle, or any games we love playing.


  1. Physical Quotient (PQ)

Physical quotient is latest intelligence introduced to us. Physical intelligence is all about physical body awareness and skilful use. It is the ability to detect and actively manage the balancing of chemicals in our body which will dictate how we think, feel, speak, and behave. We need physical intelligence to promote physiology to enable us to develop excellent performance, achieve more, less-depresed, and live happily, in both our professional and personal life.


Having better physical intelligence, we will be able to respond to every changes or challenges which will come to your way. Furthermore, physical intelligence is not only allows us to enhance our current skills, but also helps us acquiring new ones and maintaining our peak performance easily.


There are four key areas which work in physical intelligence. They are:

  • Strength (the ability to be mentally tough, be confident, and be tolerant of risks)
  • Flexibility (the ability to adapt to new environments, improvise, and make strategies)
  • Resilience (the ability to mentally and emotionally cope with crisis stages, bounce back, and move forward)
  • Endurance (the ability to manage stress reactions and maintain peak performance over a long term)



These four fundamental quotients should be balance one another and they work together as we grow up. We do not necessarily require mastering every quotient as long as we comprehend the importance of those and continue to persevere in functioning and enhancing our spiritual, emotional, intelligence, and physical quotient. Ultimately, we will realize that none of these aspects is less important than others for us to build our success.


Ariella X MIPA 2 - AHI.



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