A Canopy of Life: Unveiling the Significance of Trees

BERITA LAINNYA - 21 February 2024

A Canopy of Life: Unveiling the Significance of Trees

Look around you; there's a special kind of magic where sunlight peeks through the branches, and leaves fall day by day. Trees are a resource that nature provides us; they stand tall and strong. As we delve deeper into trees, unveiling their beauty, we will discover the hidden gem in each tree. Exploring the significance of trees, we will realize that they are a source of life. It's well-known that people living near trees are happier and healthier. Moreover, it is our responsibility to take care of trees, as they depend on us just as we depend on them.


Importance of Trees

Trees are important to us in many ways. They provide food, clean air, and shelter for various forms of life. They can cleanse the air through a magical process called photosynthesis. In this process, trees absorb light and water to create glucose and oxygen, effectively purifying our air by removing carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases.


Trees also serve as shelters for a variety of wildlife, offering both sustenance for animals and nutritious fruits for humans. Each fruit bears numerous nutrients, including vitamins, iron, and many others. Some species of trees can grow up to 115 meters in height, that species is called the Hyperion originating from California. This would lead us to unveil the beauty in the depths of the forest.


The Canopies of Life

Trees can be found in every corner of the world, from the cypress thriving in the heat of the Sahara desert to the majestic fir trees gracing the peaks of the Himalayas. The banyan extends its sprawling canopy in the rainforests of Nusantara, while the Jacarandas paint the forest with their breathtaking beauty. Each tree, in its way, unveils a unique expression of nature's artistry.

Trees inhabit every continent on Earth, bearing witness to the passage of time. Some trees, astonishingly, can live for over 9,000 years. Take, for instance, the Old Tjikko, a Norwegian Spruce tree originating from the fjords of Fulufjället, Sweden, boasting an incredible age of 9,500 years.


In the Redwoods National and State Park, California, stands the towering giant sequoia, a species that once flourished during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Today, these majestic trees face the threat of endangerment, emphasizing the delicate balance between preservation and progress in our ever-changing world.


Trees of Culture

Trees Have a big significance to our Culture, it inspires us to stand strong, be full of grace, and share kindness throughout life. One of the most iconic representations of trees is the “Tree of Life” which appears in numerous cultures throughout the world including ancient Mesopotamia, Egyptian Mythology, and Celtic traditions, and was mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 2:9. But here are a few cultures as an in-depth look at Trees in Culture:

In Buddhist traditions, the Bodhi Tree is revered in Buddhism as the tree under which Siddhartha Gautama. According to belief, Siddhartha sat in meditation under the Bodhi Tree for 49 days, which made him reach a state of profound understanding.


African Folklore tells us about the Talking Tree, Stories about enchanted trees with the ability to communicate. These trees often serve as wise counselors or guardians, offering guidance and assistance to those who seek their wisdom.


The Giving Tree from Cherokee Legends (Pronounced: Cheh-ruh-kee) is about the "Giver-of-Life" tree. According to beliefs, a young woman is granted a wish by the Creator and asks for a tree that provides everything she needs for life. The Creator gifted her the "Giver-of-Life" tree, that offers food, shelter, and medicine.


Chinese Traditions explains the legend of the Money Tree that symbolizes wealth and prosperity, According to legend, a poor man prayed for prosperity under a tree, and his fortunes changed. The Money Tree is depicted with coins or gold ingots hanging from its branches in the hope of attracting financial abundance. Usually mentioned during Chinese New Year, better known as Lunar New Year.


In modern-day, trees continue to inspire us as much literacy and art inspired by the enchanting beauty of Trees, such as the Whomping Willow from the book series Harry Potter, a magical tree planted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It has aggressive tendencies, and its limbs whip and thrash around making a difficult trek for the students during training. The tree plays a significant role in the storyline, demonstrating its magical properties.


In Indonesia, trees have a big role in our culture, The Banyan Tree (also known by various cultures in Asia) known locally as “Beringin” or “Waringin” is believed to be sacred in various regions of Indonesia. it is said to be inhabited by Spirits and Ghosts, some stories suggest the Banyan Tree as having mystical powers. The Banyan tree also is one of the featured symbols for Indonesia’s Icon, Pancasila. In the 3rd verse of “Persatuan Indonesia”, translated to “Unity”, its branches, roots, and leaves represent the people of Indonesia that are all connected by one bark representing unity in Indonesia.


Batik Motifs are also inspired by many aspects of the tree, as one of the main and most widely known motifs in Indonesia. These motifs are inspired by the enchanting beauty of Trees and the floras surrounding them. With over 5 thousand different motifs of batik, many of which are inspired by the beauty of Trees and Flowers.


From the examples above, we can see the significance of trees to various cultures around the world, from China to America, we can see the importance of trees to cultures.


Chronicles of the War Between the Trees: facing the bitter Truth


There are many issues associated with trees, and one of the biggest issues is Deforestation. Deforestation refers to the large-scale removal or clearing of forests, primarily benefiting human beings instead of nature, such as agriculture, logging, urbanization, and infrastructure development. This process has significant environmental, social, and economic implications, and understanding its various aspects is crucial for addressing the challenges it poses. The impact will eventually come to us and the people around us, such as; Loss of biodiversity, Climate Change, Disruption of  Water Cycles, Loss of Ecosystem Services, Displacement of Indigenous communities that depend on their lives to trees, Short-Term Gains vs. Long-Term Losses, Impact on Agriculture, and many other various impacts.


There are many ways for us to help defend trees, global initiatives include forest conservation, international agreements, agro-forestry, and many more. But we can help protect trees in our daily lives, by reducing paper consumption, conserving energy, planting trees near or in our neighborhood, sustainable transportation, participating in cleanup initiatives, choosing sustainable wood products, and promoting green spaces.


To conclude our discussion about trees, we can safely state that trees have a big impact on humans, from health to culture, and even impacts on our daily lives. Trees are a big staple to life, not only to humans but also to many sorts of life, from small Ants to big Elephants. Without them, the survival of life will and shall become difficult and after some time every species starts to go extinct due to lack of oxygen on the planet. So, to save our lives and to survive we have to learn the importance of trees and also have to teach our children the importance of trees, to save our species and other species from the devastation of Extinction for generations to come.


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