Positive Vibes : Stop Comparing Yourself to Others by Christian Samuel

BERITA LAINNYA - 14 October 2023

In this world, there are many amazing things. There are over 200 billion galaxies in the universe, which have trillions of stars that have the potential of becoming a planet just like Earth. Roughly, there are almost 8 billion humans that are living now on earth, and the most amazing fact is, out of everything in this world, there is only one YOU, and yet, we still compare ourselves to others, and that can sometimes lead to anxiety, stress, and even depression.


Why do we compare ourselves to others? In the world of social media, with just one click, we can see the richest, most attractive, and most famous individuals. We often compare ourselves to them, thinking that if we had what they have, we would be happy. But in reality, those people whom we dream of becoming, most of them are still unhappy because they’re still comparing themselves to even richer, more attractive, and more famous people, and it’s just never enough for us humans.

What’s the impact when we keep comparing ourselves to other people? These comparisons that we make in the back of our minds, will lead to immense unhappiness because comparisons lead to envy of others. Envy of others can lead to desire, and desire is a contract that we make with ourselves to be unhappy until we get what we want, and when we get what we want, a new desire is formed. That means most of the time, we will always be unhappy if we keep comparing ourselves to others. Simply put, it’s a continuous cycle of unhappiness that keeps circling around until we stop doing it.


Now, how do we stop comparing ourselves to others? There is a saying that goes, “Don’t compare yourself to others because you’re perfect just the way you are.” But in reality, it doesn’t work like that because nobody is perfect. If we think that we are perfect, we think that there’s no need to change and improve ourselves, while we should be doing those things. We shouldn’t be comparing ourselves to other people, but instead, we should compare ourselves to who we were yesterday. If every day we try to be a little better than yesterday, one day we'll look back and realize that we have come a long way. Another thing to do is that, instead of feeling envious of people who are better off than us, we can learn from their successes or mistakes to learn what works and what doesn’t, and it can be a motivation for us to achieve our goals.


“Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, and not to who someone else is today.” John Peterson



Contributor: Christian Samuel J.S.

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