National Library Visitation Day by Vincent Xavier

BERITA LAINNYA - 14 September 2023

Every September 14th, we celebrate National Library Visitation Day (Hari Kunjung Perpustakaan Nasional). This day serves as a reminder and an opportunity for us to appreciate the crucial role of a library in fostering literacy and knowledge. Libraries are the custodians of a nation’s intellectual treasure, and today is a chance for us to better appreciate their vital role in shaping the intellect of society.

Libraries house not only storybooks but also invaluable treasures such as historical manuscripts, national archives, and other historical works. National Library Visitation Day is a rare opportunity for us to connect directly with our cultural heritage. It’s a chance to appreciate and understand the roots of our history. Furthermore, libraries are at the forefront of promoting literacy. Libraries are where our passion for reading ignites, where critical thinking is sharpened, where creative ideas are born, and where grand dreams are crafted. Through various events and activities, libraries can inspire communities to take a step back and enjoy literacy more. Celebrating the Library Visitation Day is one way to comprehend the significance of literacy in advancing a nation.

In this digital age, libraries also play a vital role by offering literature through their digital collections. This allows a broader access to knowledge and literature which not only urban areas can access, but also remote regions. Library Visitation Day is the perfect time to introduce the community to digital libraries, further reigniting the passion for reading.


In the celebration of Library Visitation Day, we have explored the crucial role of libraries in the development of literacy, the preservation of cultural heritage, and the use during a digital era. We have discussed how libraries are not just places, but also windows to boundless knowledge. National Library Visitation Day is a reminder that knowledge is the most precious treasure, with libraries as its guardians. Let us continue to celebrate, support, and respect libraries around the globe. For by doing so, we are celebrating a brighter and more meaningful future. Together, let’s make libraries a valuable resource in our journey to build an informed and well cultured society


Happy National Library Visitation Day!




Gambar by Marcella Giovani


Gambar Thumbnail depan by Carmella Gunation

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