Jumat Sehat : The Benefits of Music

BERITA LAINNYA - 22 March 2024

First of all, what is music? Well, according to the cambridge dictionary, music is a pattern of sounds made by musical instruments, voices, computers, or a combination of all of them, intended to give pleasure to people listening to it. It turns out that this pattern of sounds can bring loads of benefits.


First of all, music can play a significant role in stress relief. Research has shown that music set at around 60 beats per minute can synchronize the brain with the beat, inducing alpha brainwaves associated with relaxation and heightened consciousness. In other words, when we listen to calming music with a slow tempo, our brains tend to synchronize, creating an environment conducive to reducing stress levels.

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Next, music has been found to lower blood pressure. Calming music creates a relaxation response, reducing heart rate and blood pressure. Engaging with soothing music (music with slow tempos and calming melodies) triggers this response, decreasing stress hormones and sympathetic nervous system activity. Consequently, blood vessels dilate, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. 


Lastly, music brings peace and joy to the mind. Engaging with music, whether its playing an instrument or singing, sharpens our mental abilities, including concentration and problem-solving skills. Music therapy has proven to be effective in supporting mental health. Additionally, music also fosters social connections, removes feelings of loneliness and contributing to overall happiness. So, music genuinely becomes a great companion for our mental well-being.


In conclusion, the benefits of music range from providing a powerful emotional outlet to promoting cognitive functions, and many more. Music is a versatile and impactful tool for mental health. Whether we are the creators or listeners of music, its therapeutic effects contribute significantly to our overall well-being.


Contributor : Ansellyn Quintelie

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