24 Daily Habits that Will Boost Your Intelligence (Part 2): Learn Better! Practical Study Techniques


Hello Penaburians! Have you ever felt like you just cannot memorize basic equations, or you just don’t understand what the teacher is explaining in class? This article will explain a few study techniques that you can implement in your studies in school or even in real life! Here are 6 habits you can try to improve your studying, whether it’s in school or real life.


The first one is to check in with your favorite knowledge sources. Each of us probably has some knowledge source that we like, whether it’s from youtube videos, going to our favorite teacher, etc. When you’re learning something, it’s probably best to check in with those available sources to not only make sure that what you’re learning is correct, but also it can help you learn better because when you like a certain source, it can help you learn better as well. 


Another learning tip is to always write down what you learn. A study from the University of Tokyo in 2021 states: “Writing on physical paper can lead to more brain activity when remembering the information an hour later. Researchers say that the unique, complex, spatial and tactile information associated with writing by hand on physical paper is likely what leads to improved memory.” This proves that writing down what you learn, like making notes or summaries, can help you learn and memorize the subject better.

Other than learning by yourself, it’s always better if you can share what you’ve learned with other people. Not only will they get the knowledge that you’ve gotten, but you can also learn that topic again so technically you’re making yourself even smarter. Those topics that you’ve learned can also be applied to your daily life. It’s better if you can apply what you’ve learned to your daily lives, because you’re not only learning by memorizing, but also doing it in real life. You can also start writing a list of the things you’ve done. Not only that, you also should write a list of the things you should stop doing. There is only so much time in a day, making it harder to fit in the stuff that’ll help manage your stress and improve your quality of life. A stop-doing list can help you trim the fat so you have more time for the stuff that’s important to you.

These seemingly “simple” things can make you learn better and excel in your studies. If you’re still wondering whether these techniques suit you or not, don’t worry PENABUR has got your back! In PENABUR, you can talk with either the religion or the counseling teacher to talk about effective study techniques that suit you well. Hopefully from this article, you can explore a variety of new study techniques that you can do in your daily lives. God Bless You! 

Contributor : Christian Samuel J.S.







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