Unlocking the Power of Unity: An Unforgettable Team Building Day at SMAK 7 PENABUR Jakarta

BERITA LAINNYA - 15 October 2023

Unlocking the Power of Unity: An Unforgettable Team Building Day at SMAK 7 PENABUR Jakarta

20th September 2023, Jakarta - When the first rays of sunlight streamed into the vast hall of SMAK 7 PENABUR, an air of palpable excitement filled the room. Over hundreds of eager Grade 10 students gathered, eager to embark on an event that promised more than just the regular school routine – the Character Camp 2023.

As the clock struck 07:00 WIB, the room was already bustling with the chatter of excited students, ready to uncover the magic behind the art of effective teamwork. By the end of the day, they would not only gain lifelong skills but also create memories that they'd cherish forever.

Pdt. Grace Bustami, a known figure in the realm of motivational sessions, graced the event with her presence. As she took to the stage, a hush fell over the students. Her session, centering on 'Team Building,' was much anticipated and sure enough, she didn't disappoint.


The day unfolded with a series of activities that challenged the students both mentally and physically. They were tasked to strategize, communicate, and most importantly, trust one another. Each activity was meticulously designed to mirror real-life scenarios, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, understanding, and resilience.

As the students dived into the activities, the hall resonated with laughter, shouts of encouragement, and the occasional groan when teams faced setbacks. Through triumphs and hurdles, the students discovered the essence of true teamwork.

Pdt. Grace Bustami’s words served as a guiding light throughout the day, "In unity, there is strength. When you face challenges, remember that together, you can overcome anything."

By 15:00 WIB, as the day's activities concluded, the transformation was evident. Bonds had been forged, lessons had been learned, and the students left with a renewed sense of purpose and camaraderie.

Character Camp 2023 at SMAK 7 PENABUR Jakarta was not just another event in the school calendar. It was a journey of self-discovery, of realizing the strength in unity, and the power of collaboration. And as the students would move forward, they would carry these invaluable lessons, ready to face the world, together.

So, to every Grade 10 student of SMAK 7 PENABUR, remember this - "Alone you can do so little, together you can do so much." Let this day serve as a reminder of the power that lies within each of you, especially when you unite.


Bu. Admin

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