The Impacts of Junk Food

English Day - 04 August 2020

As we know, we need daily consumption to refill our energy and they are foods and drinks, of course there’s many kinds of it. Nowadays, we, people, are used to eat junk food, because of the benefits ,such as the services are very fast, have a reasonable price, also we can get full from it easily, moreover, majority of junk food looks appealing to our eyes, for example, pizzas, hamburgers, and  fried chickens, who doesn’t get hungry from looking at those foods?  Therefore,  people will have a mindset that thought junk food is not a bad thing to be consume as they see the benefits. Although there are many benefits of the junk food, people should know there’s a reason why it is called “junk food”, the word junk means trash and everyone knows that by the meaning it’s not considered as one of the healthy foods, additionally, it can cause many disadvantages to our body. So, people must think  twice that junk food should be less consumed.


First of all, junk food contains many chemicals that our body doesn’t need a lot of it. Many junk foods contains a lot of sugar that can cause the increase in body fats and diabetes, it’s very dangerous, especially for people who doesn’t exercise regularly. Also,  most of junk food contains a lot of carbohydrates from little to no fiber  that can cause cholesterol to people who consume it a lot or in other words the increase of LDL (bad cholesterol) and decrease of HDL (good cholesterol).


Secondly, junk food can make us have lower level of concentration. The concentration in here means the level of focus when you are studying or maybe on a discussion with other people. For junk foods that contains a lot of sodium, exaggerated consumption can cause not only stress but also a headache that interfere to the brain. Besides sodium, many junk food contains so much in calories, especially deep-fried foods. If people consume calories much more than the average, it can cause difficulty in breathing that means the brain can’t  bind O2, make it can’t be used as it should be and cause malfunction.


Lastly, junk food can make our life span shorter that it should be. For instance, when a child consume a lot of junk food, the child will get many health issues that can make the life span of the child  more shorter than the others. Furthermore, consuming  junk foods can increase the blood pressure more than the average (120/80mm), this issue can cause heart diseases like stroke and leads to death.


Overall, junk foods can cause many bad effects that’s hazardous for our body and health. To prevent a higher risk of getting health issues, people can change their eating habit from eating junk food to a healthy diet, but also control the amount of it, for people who already have clean eating habits, maintain that. The simple change of eating habits can change a whole person’s life in many circumstances. To conclude, people should less consume junk foods and replace it with healthier foods combined with regular exercise.


Written by : Shania


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