Strict Parents

English Day - 26 May 2020

In this new generation, there are certainly a lot of changes and developments compared to what our parents are used to back in their day. Changes in culture, education, technology and many more occur because of the globalization that is happening from year to year. As time goes on, parents are more determined to shape their children’s character based on what they learned in their generation. This is because the majority of parents couldn’t adapt with the current culture and behavior. Some parents understand the kind of differences there are in this new generation compared to theirs. In contrast, some of them are not thinking wide enough to indicate whether it is okay or not for children to do something. This results in parents becoming strict and not realizing that they are overprotective in building their children’s character. Strict parents can cause a lot of pain for their children.

Children can feel pressured in academic performance. One main thing that is becoming every child’s responsibility is school. School is an awesome place to gain knowledge and to learn how to connect with other people. It can be a relaxing and fun place if children are taught the concept of what school is for. It can be a scary place if a child is pressured in always improving or even maintaining their academic performance. Strict rules from parents in studying can make them not focused in school. For example, parents that are forcing their children to study 4 hours non-stop at home can cause them to not focus in school because it is very tiring. This actually results in the decrease of academic performance caused by the stress children have in studying. Children will become terrified with the idea of studying. School life can’t be enjoyable and makes it like school is something to prevent. Gaining knowledge can’t be as interesting as it seems to be. In addition to this, children will start to get confused in building their future. Children can’t determine their own future based on personal passion and skills. They will be directed strictly based on their parents’ directions and they won’t continue to develop their passion. Future working places won’t be as enjoyable and tasks can’t be executed successfully.

Children can’t be free to socialize and collaborate with others. Strict parents are always afraid that their children will be badly influenced by other people. Because of this, parents are willing to do anything to prevent their children from the outside world without knowing that not giving them freedom will cause even bad behavior development.

Children will feel isolated and have low self-esteem in their society. Being taken away from their society makes them uncomfortable in trying to fit in. They won’t understand what people usually talk about in their society and other people will judge them as a weird person. Not having friends and getting judged by other people will surely lower their self-esteem making them harder to communicate with others. The feeling of isolation makes them feel lonely and not loved enough. Parents take away all of their friendship and social connections which makes them think that nobody cares. Children won’t have people to talk to and they can’t express their feelings to anyone in any way. They also can’t keep up with the latest trends and lose all the fun.

One big thing that keeps a friendship so intimate and close is communication. Having topics that both sides understand and inside jokes that only they get is a crucial thing in creating bonds with other people. Without that, it will be very hard for someone to have a large connection to help or even get help from others.

Children can feel stressed out doing their daily tasks. Their minds are trapped in some sort of illusive barrier in thinking freely and creatively. They can’t be themselves in their daily life. Children will always think about what their parents will do resulting in full of fear. They’re basically scared to do anything making it hard for them to just have fun and enjoy life. It becomes harder for them to be independent and make their own decisions because of getting used to asking their parents and having rules everytime and everywhere they go. Peace doesn’t exist in their daily lives making them not working to their maximum potential. It becomes a natural reaction where inner peace can’t be found resulting in stress, anger, anxiety and fear.

All of these emotions play a big role in inhibiting the spirit of working hard. Lack of self-aware is very dangerous in doing daily tasks because of self-torture in to always trying to please what their parents’ desire. This continuous act can hurt them physically. Not just physically tired of getting pressured in working, but also mentally caused by the never-ending negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are extremely painful because their trapped in a certain state of mind where they aren’t able to think clearly in overcoming daily obstacles. All the pressure and negativity the children have will make them feel worthless and not shine as each individual should have.

To summarize, there are too much disadvantages regarding parents being strict to their children. Parents need to think more general and broadly so that they can adapt to the current era. Shaping children’s characteristics can be done in a variety of ways. It can be done by not hurting one’s mental state of mind because that can lead to endless worse possibilities. Parents should not be too strict in character building for their children. In contrast, they should give their children freedom to explore reality and enjoy childhood because even though children are 20% of the world’s population, they are 100% of the world’s future.

Written by : Francis / xi mipa 4



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