Is Cat Better than Dog as Pet?

English Day - 08 April 2024


These days, many people want to have a pet for many factors, it can be as a friend, a house guard, or any sort companion. Two of the famous pets that people usually have are dogs and cats. Of course, they are both cute and lovely with their own characteristics, but not all people like them the same, maybe because they tend to think that dogs are too fierce, or cats are too lazy, and many other pros and cons. For me, dogs will always be the better pet because of the number of positive impacts it would give.


First of all, I think that dogs have a very unique personality. There are lots of different personalities that will be seen when you have a dog such as clumsy, active, sometimes dramatic, intelligent, and the one that stands out the most is dogs are mostly loyal and protective to their master. In may opinion , those personalities are what that make dogs special because we can treat them as friends or families, and they will appreciate us as their owners or masters. As long as us and the dogs have trust in each other, dogs can easlly bond with humas, and therefore are very suitable as apet.


In addition, dogs consist of various types and breeds. A few people think that dogs only consist of 2 or 3 types that are famous such as poodle, husky, corgi, and golden retriever. But in fuct, there are lots of other type, for example daschund, schnauzer, keeshond, shih tzu, and many other type that people who love dogs, would love to adopt them as a pet.


To sum up, I believe that dogs are the most loving pet, and are better than cats. I think they will be a great option when you are searching for a loyal yet fun companion and they encourage humas to do or act better in society because of how nice and caring dogs are to people. (Vania Amanda/ XI MIPA 6)

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