Is AI a Threat or an Opportunity?

English Day - 27 February 2023

For modern society, Artificial Intelligence is no longer a stranger. People often use them for everyday tasks and works. Infact, we rely on them more than anything else because it is more efficient and brings many advantages. However, according to Oxford scientists, there is a high probability that advanced forms of artificial intelligence, or AI, may wipe out humanity from the Earth. It is argued that the human species currently dominates other species because the human brain has some distinctive capabilities that other animals lack. If AI surpasses humanity in general intelligence and becomes "super intelligent", then it could become difficult or impossible for humans to control. Research shows that in the next upcoming 50 years, these jobs such as: telemarketer, telephone operators, warehouse workers, cashiers and many more will be at risk of being taken over by AI. 


While on the other side, AI could help people  with improved health care, safer cars and other transport systems, tailored, cheaper and longer-lasting products and services. It can also facilitate access to information, education and training.  The need for distance learning became more important because of the Covid-19 pandemic. AI can also make workplace safer as robots can be used for dangerous parts of jobs, and open new job positions as AI-driven industries grow and change.


Written by: Cathleen Tania Maksum XIS1




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