How to Save Energy in Our Daily Lives

English Day - 24 March 2022

The technology that we find and use every day is a technology that is driven by various kinds of energy, to help facilitate human work. Call it technology such as vehicles, household electronic equipment, and so on. However, behind the simplicity of this technology, we as users must also think about how to save energy, for the sake of environmental health and also our monthly bills.


The reason is that energy will be needed in cordance with the number of human population in the world, so that energy such as electricity, fuel, water, and other natural resources will of course always be used, especially for daily life, and may experience a crisis condition. However, sometimes humans are not aware of the excessive use of energy, so that energy is wasted and can even damage the environment. Therefore, as energy users on earth, humans must be aware of the importance of saving energy. There are various ways to save energy that can be done, even in very simple ways.


Not only that, but various ways to save energy can also save on the cost of electricity bills, to reduce the negative impact of emissions resulting from excessive energy use. Not only that, but the small actions of each individual will also affect the problem of depletion of energy sources on earth.


So, to be able to contribute to reducing emissions, there are some of the simplest and wisest ways to save energy, which you can apply in your daily life. 3 Most Simple and Wise Ways to Save Energy Even though energy sources cannot be renewed, when compared to the amount of use they are used, you can do small actions such as the 3 simplest and wisest ways to save energy, in everyday life as follows:


1. Using Energy Saving Lamps The first way to save energy is that you can use or switch to energy-saving lamps, or LED lights. The reason is, LED lights are said to provide higher lighting than light bulbs, and can also save up to 90 percent of the electricity in your home. However, the price of LED lamps does tend to be more expensive than light bulbs, which are around Rp. 13,500 to millions of rupiah. However, for the lamp life itself, LEDs are much longer and longer-lasting.


2. Turn off all electronic equipment when not in use The next way to save energy that you can do is to turn off all electronic equipment when it is no longer used. This is because electronic equipment whose cables are still plugged in even though it is not being used will keep electricity flowing. So, it is not illegal if your electricity bill will always increase every month.


3. Use Sufficient Water The way to save energy is not only about electricity, you know. Because water is also a source of energy that is needed for living things. It is advisable, to use sufficient water, and do not use it excessively or excessively Remember, in other areas it may be difficult to get a supply of clean water, so you have to keep this resource so that it can be used as a sustainable resource.


Those are 3 ways to save energy that we can apply in everyday life. Besides being able to reduce costs, we can also maintain the existence of energy so that the next generation can also enjoy this natural resource


Written by : Natasha Audrey N / XII SOS 1



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