A Reminder For PJJ

English Day - 16 March 2021

The world has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic since almost a year ago. Although it has specifically had a significant impact on the healthcare sector, it cannot be denied that the impact has spread to other areas of society. As a response, there have been many social reconstructions, the majority of which are created and launched suddenly, in almost all aspects of human life. Some of these changes are related to the education sector in almost every part of the world where education must adapt to the pandemic in a specific way that can meet the educational needs of students. Indonesia, as one of the countries affected by this pandemic, is also trying to introduce an education system without meeting face to face. And this system is the one that until now and perhaps for the next few weeks or months will be the online education system called PJJ or Long Distance Learning.


After a long period of time, finally the use of virtual “face-to-face” applications, virtual classes, and various other virtual support media has been implemented and adjusted on a regular basis. Curricula has been and are still being compiled, webinars are also held to enrich students and teachers, and various media are used to support the procedure of PJJ are also held during this period. These things are becoming increasingly effective in shaping and compiling the best learning format that can be used permanently during this pandemic. Although there are attempts to adjust facilities but it seems that there are basic things don’t work in line with the media or teaching facilities and infrastructure used in this PJJ. This is none other than the level of effectiveness and participation of students in obtaining their needs through this new way.


The main problem is, that when we become very sure with this “new normal” education system, most of the students don’t really have the agreement to collectively say “yes” to this new method. The very first thing that quite simple but still important, is how students maintain and proceed PJJ with the best and most comfortable situations they can create or get. Come to think about it, many students become apathetic and slothful to receive the important material that they’ll need in the future. Besides, it actually takes time for students to adapt with this new style because of the various adaptation skills among students.


Students sometimes receive many synchronous and asynchronous task and are obligated to sit in front of the laptop or other gadgets for a day long.  These activities can’t be considered easy and can also cause dangerous impacts to their eyes (considering the dangers of radiation).


Keep in mind that this problem won’t change or work effectively if the students themselves don’t give an effort to change it. What can we do then? Well, we need to realize that as a student, the main goal is to pursue and collect as many lessons and materials as we can, which will be absolutely needed during our next stages of life.  So do not focus on the number of materials and theories that have to be memorized but consider those empirical moments and experience earned from PJJ if. Only then, we will be able to adjust ourselves little by little but with continuous and constant pace.


In conclusions, when situations get rough, don’t drag yourself down following the situation. Listen, pay attention, and be attentive on each and every little things all the way up to the biggest piece that are being constructed by our teachers, parents, and even the government via the ministry of education for us, students, to be as comfy as we can, so that this nation won’t lose their future generation because of this pandemic. Don’t forget that everyone is struggling to overcome the same difficulty these days. Perhaps not truly the same, but what I’m trying to say is, don’t give up easily but instead build yourself a grateful mindset about this life. It’s your choice to believe in it or deny it, but the pandemic might be a way for you to pull yourself back into the best version you’re trying to reach. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay positive, and keep the happiness flowing.


Written by Winfried Ichtussend XII MIPA 3

Edited by Margareta Adi Putri XII MIPA 2

Source: https://osisbid10.blogspot.com/2021/01/a-reminder-for-pjj.html


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