Vincent – The Student of SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon

join in IMSO 2019


Vincent Kristian Waluyo has been showing a brilliant achievements in the Mathematics Competition. As the result of his hard work, he has been chosen as one of the Indonesian representatives in the IMSO (International Mathematics Science Olympiad) team that will join the competition in November 2019, in Vietnam.

Vincent, now is in grade 6 at SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon, feels very grateful for what he has obtained. As what the proverb says there is no gain without pain. He fully understands that what he has achieved is a long process, even unending process. Without God’s mercy and help, nothing can be achieved.

The Principal of SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon highly appreciates for all of the effort that Vincent has made. Vincent won the competition not only once or twice, but also many more. I believe success will follow him and I would like to say thank you for his parents’ mutual cooperation in making it a success.

Let all of us, school, students, and parents pray for him to be able to gain the championship again. And to Vincent please work harder as there is no royal road to success. Last but not least, ora et labora.

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