Happy Sunday ASB - 08 September 2024

Berita Lainnya - 08 September 2024

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. When I think about Romans 12:21, it seems like it’s telling us to respond to bad actions with good ones. It’s really tough when we’re treated badly, unfairly, or even attacked physically or mentally. Can we really return that with kindness and love?


This command is super challenging. Naturally, we don’t want to be the ones who are attacked. Just keeping calm or holding back when someone wrongs us is a huge act of self-control. But God’s command goes even further: to repay evil with good.


Jesus set an example for us by responding to evil with kindness and love. Even when He was betrayed (Matthew 26), mocked, spat on, tortured, and crucified (Matthew 27), He didn’t retaliate. He could have, but He asked God to forgive them because they didn’t know what they were doing (Luke 23).


Jesus’ example on His way to Calvary is a high standard for us to follow. We might not experience the same kind of suffering He did, but as children of light, we might face tests where we have to respond to evil with goodness. We never know when these tests will come, but the question is, are we ready to respond like Jesus and love those who wrong us?


If this reading teaches us anything, it’s how to respond to evil. If you face such a test in your life, remember Jesus’ example and know that vengeance is God’s alone (Genesis 18). Also, remember that God watches how we respond to the evil or injustice we face. He says, “If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?” (Matthew 5:46).


Responding to evil with kindness doesn’t make us weaker or lesser than those who do wrong. We can’t make others stop being evil, but they can’t force us to act like them either. Kindness and love are strengths, not weaknesses. Let’s focus not on how others treat us, but on how God wants us to live according to His image. (NT)

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