Pojok Best : Treat Each Other Well

Berita Lainnya - 22 November 2023




Author :  Chindy Chailiani (X)





Hello best teens! Did you ever think about how you treat other people? Maybe some of you treat people badly or with kindness and respect? Well sometimes I treat people badly when I’m mad but I apologize to them after that because treating people badly is not a good thing.

“Why do we have to treat people with respect and kindness without any exception?” That must have been the question that popped into your head when I said we have to treat everyone with respect and kindness without exception. Let me explain, we have to treat everyone without exception including our enemies, because we are all creatures that god made, this is also stated in Matthew 5:43-45 “you have heard the word: “love your fellow humans and hate your enemy.” But I said to you: “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.””

Have you ever heard about the story of “the girl who prayed for lucifer”? The little girl was really good because she treated everyone with respect and kindness without exception even lucifer, who as we know is a satan. Not all people can do that, to be completly honest neither i nor anyone else is capable of doing that. The girl shows that we have to treat people with respect and kindness without exception. Maybe some of us treat a few people badly but I hope that next time we treat people with respect and kindness including our enemies, people with bad finances and people with mental or physical disabilities. in Luke. 6:27-32 god teaches us about to love our enemy and Matthew 5: 38-48 is about revenge.

Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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