Pojok Best : The Results of Kindness

Berita Lainnya - 15 November 2023





Author : Made Jerrico Mahawira (X)




Hello everyone, in this article, I will share my experience about doing good things to others. When I was thirteen years old, I had an e - sport team. At that time, someone wanted to join my team. His skills were not very good at that time, but I decided to teach him everything I know. 

A year passed, and his skills grew faster than I expected. We started joining some e - sport competition called PL Cup. He didn't play at first, because he's a substitute player, he started to play at the second match of the final game because we're starting to struggle at that moment. 

His gameplay was very good, we started winning two games and the score was 2-2 at that moment. The last game was a crucial moment, and we won it. After that, I started to realize, doing good things or helping others can give you good memories. Don't be afraid to help each other, because you will get good karma if you do good things. 

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