POJOK BEST: The Key for a Good Relationship

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Quote about loyalty and the value of share with society. (Nathan)


Writer: Nathanael Andreas Jahja (12 Science) | Editor: Maria Fransisca


Relationships are made between two people that interact with each other for a long period of time. There are times that the relationship is not going smoothly, but the question is, do we want to continue and have a great relationship? The key to having a good relationship is Honesty and Loyalty. Because in honesty, you trust fully what other persons are saying and everything they tell you is the truth, while loyalty makes you feel secure that the person is not going to do anything bad to ruin your relationship.


Like in today's quote “Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that's probably the biggest key to success”. Who's your best friend? Do you tell them lots of things? In your daily practice you already know that if you're honest to your best friend, you already succeed in making a great relationship. So be loyal and honest with others.


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