Pojok Best : The Importance of Patience

Berita Lainnya - 05 August 2024

Penulis : Merry (OSIS)



The theme is the importance of patience and humility in maintaining positive relationships and personal growth.


Hi Best Teens! As we know, patience is very important in daily life. Without patience, we are like a lamp without oil, unable to shine light around us. If we can't control our emotions and become arrogant about what we have, it can negatively affect ourselves and those around us. I have an experience related to this story.


At one time, I had a very good friend. Honestly, she taught me how to make friends and be a more open person. But one day, she started showing his true colors, becoming arrogant and looking down on others. I was surprised by her sudden change in behavior. Some of my other friends also felt that she had changed; the energy she spread was no longer positive but filled with hatred and anger. She liked to give advice, but in a bad way. She would boast about herself and say that she could do everything without anyone's help.


Eventually, someone spread rumors that she was arrogant, rude, and other unpleasant things. She finally realized that being arrogant was not good. She finally apologized to me and our other friends who were hurt by her words.


So,  Best Teens, this can be a lesson for our lives. Being arrogant does not make us cool, instead, people will think we are mean. Let's start learning to be patient and supportive of those around us!

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