Pojok Best : The Importance of Good Deeds

Berita Lainnya - 06 November 2023





Author : Yesaya Gultom (X)




This verse encourages individuals to be mindful of the words they speak and to ensure that their speech serves a constructive and uplifting purpose. It advises against using hurtful or negative language and instead promotes words that are beneficial and supportive to others. In essence, Ephesians 4:29 underscores the significance of kindness, empathy, and the impact of our communication on those around us. It reminds us to use our words as instruments of encouragement and edification rather than tools of harm or divisiveness.

Saying badword also impact your relationship, because not everyone is okay when you say a Badword. It also impact your respect to others. By saying unwholesome word, people, friends, even family might dislike or even hate you. Also saying badword, you can start conflict and again, broke your relationship.

We can stop thisthing by not saying or hear the word. We should stay away from something or someone that usually use unwholesome word. We can also start listening or reading Gods Message. Start a good relationship wit your friend, also with your family. Even if your closest friend told you to do that, politely decline and tell your friend that its wrong to do. 


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