POJOK BEST: Love is Responsibility and Always Sacrifice

Berita Lainnya - 14 February 2022

Quote about love and sacrifice with the value of trust in God. (Dhea)

Writer: Vania Dhea Khalisa | Editor: Maria Fransisca


Do you know love is a responsibility and always a sacrifice in Christianity? Love is not just talk, but love is sacrifice, action, and always responsibility. We always approach and love Jesus by worshipping diligently, not violating the rules of Jesus, and following the teachings of Christians. If people do not follow the teachings and rules of Jesus and are not diligent in worshiping, then Jesus does not approach the people of God. Therefore, Satan will approach us as a friend because Satan likes people who do not follow the teachings and rules of Jesus and are not diligent in worshiping. 


Therefore, let us prepare ourselves to face His tasks and take up the cross for the people of God. Bearing a cross is very important in Christianity because carrying a cross means following Jesus Christ. So, if there is something wrong in following the rules and teachings of Christianity, then people prepare themselves to sacrifice. After that, the Lord Jesus will come to His people. We will be able to be close to God by doing what God wants us to do. That is the reason why love is responsibility and sacrifice.

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