POJOK BEST: Good Teammates are Willing to Sacrifice for Each Other

Berita Lainnya - 21 February 2022

Quote about sacrifice with the value of share with society. (Vanya)

Writer: Graciella Vanessa Irawan (10 Social) | Editor: Maria Fransisca


As social beings, we are required to have interactions with other people. Establishing good interactions with other people can be difficult for those of us who still cannot understand people well. As students, we interact with many people, especially friends who are our teammates. Good teammates are willing to sacrifice for each other, even if it means that we have to face difficulties for the sake of our friends. Being willing to sacrifice means that we understand and have good relationships with our teammates.


Having someone who is willing to sacrifice is a value that really touches us and we will never forget. Even though there must be fights between us and our friends, one of us has to make sacrifices so that the special relationship that has been built does not just fall apart. Start with yourself first, push yourself to be willing to do good for others. The Lord Jesus gave himself for us, so as His people, we must be willing to realize His actions in our lives. May Lord Jesus guide us to do His words and let us be kind to others.

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