National Batik Day

Berita Lainnya - 17 November 2021

Batik art is one of the cultural heritages of the Indonesian nation which has a high value. The designation of October 2 as National Batik Day respects the stipulation of batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Intangible Culture (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) by UNESCO on October 2, 2009.


The day is also commemorated to increase the awareness of the Indonesian people in protecting and developing Indonesian batik. Batik is an Indonesian culture whose sustainability is still being maintained. The technique of making it in a way that is still traditional and with various motifs makes this work also admired by the world community.


In addition, the motifs made by batik craftsmen are also not arbitrary. Each motif contains a meaning and message to be conveyed by the batik craftsmen. Because regional batik motifs usually tell the way of life of local wisdom and culture that developed in their respective regions.


Quoted from, batik has an important role in the lives of Indonesian people from birth to death. When a new baby is born, Indonesian people often use jarik batik cloth to be brought to the baby. Jarik motif with symbols designed to carry their children in the future


Writer: 10 Science 1

Editor: Maria Fransisca

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