The Joy of Giving: A Lesson from Christmas (1)

BERITA LAINNYA - 25 December 2023

The Joy of Giving: A Lesson from Christmas

Grace Abelinabertha Yemimaeva Fischer


Christmas is the season of love, joy, and togetherness. It is a time when families come together to celebrate the spirit of giving. For many families, this season is marked by traditions that bring warmth to the heart. A tradition from my own family, that holds a special place in my heart is giving to the less fortunate. This tradition has taught me invaluable lessons about compassion, gratitude, and the true meaning of Christmas.


This tradition has been in my family for years, even before I was born. Instead of focusing solely on festive decorations and exchanging gifts among ourselves, we wanted to experience the joy of giving to those who are less fortunate. We believe that true happiness lies in selflessly helping others, and what better time to put this belief into practice than during Christmas?


Every year, when the Christmas season approaches, my family eagerly prepares for our annual tradition. We gather rice, instant noodles, warm clothing, blankets, toiletries, books, etc. to distribute to the homeless. Together, we shop for supplies, carefully selecting items that would provide comfort and warmth during Christmas.


The day before Christmas, we set out as a family to find those in need. We visited the streets, parking areas, and shelters where the homeless were known to gather. Every year, as we hand out the care packages, I witness the transformative power of a simple act of kindness. The smiles, gratitude, and heartfelt blessings we received were more rewarding than any gift we could have received ourselves.


Through this tradition, I learned that the joy of giving is not limited to the recipients alone. It also fills the hearts of the givers with immeasurable joy and fulfillment. It is a humbling reminder that we are all interconnected, and by extending a helping hand to those in need, we can make a genuine difference in someone's life.


The act of giving during Christmas taught me several valuable lessons that have shaped my perspective on life. Firstly, it taught me the importance of empathy and compassion. By actively seeking to understand the struggles of others, we can cultivate a deep sense of empathy that drives us to take action and help those in need.


Secondly, it taught me the significance of gratitude. As we interacted with the less fortunate, I realized how often we take the blessings in our lives for granted. Giving to those less fortunate reminded me to appreciate the love, warmth, and security I have been fortunate to experience throughout my life.


Lastly, this tradition showed me the true meaning of Christmas. In a world that often equates the season with materialism and consumerism, giving to the homeless brought me back to the essence of the holiday. It reminded me that Christmas is about spreading love, kindness, and hope. It is about coming together as a community and supporting one another, especially those who need it the most.


The experience of giving to the homeless during Christmas has become a cherished tradition for my family. It has taught us the profound joy that comes from selflessly helping others and instilled a sense of responsibility to make a positive impact in the community. As a student, this tradition has been a valuable lesson that extends far beyond the holiday season. It has shaped my character, broadened my perspective, and inspired me to continue making a difference in the lives of others. The joy of giving truly is a lesson from Christmas that I will carry with me throughout my life.


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