The Day I Released My First Song

BERITA LAINNYA - 09 April 2022

The Day I Released My First Song

March 18, 2022, was the day I released my first single entitled ‘When Will You Love You?’ It is a song I wrote and composed with my whole heart three years ago. Finally being able to see my song out on streaming platforms is very special to me.

Early in the morning, I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. I was smiling so much, but extremely nervous at the same time. “What if people don’t like the song?” I thought. I was so scared that people won’t enjoy the song as much as I do. I told my father about my worries and he told me, “You have done your best and worked hard on this. Trust me, this song will be a blessing for others.”

I took a deep breath and announced the release of the song on my Instagram. I had no expectations, and for the first time, I thought little about praises nor applauds. All I wanted was for my voice to tell an impactful message to help others. In an instant, people start messaging me, congratulating me on the release of my song. I felt immensely grateful for all the love and support they gave me.

Some people sent me videos of them watching the music video for the first time. They were impressed by the concept of the music video and told me that this song is beautifully crafted with a deep message that reminds them to let go of things that hurt them and start loving themselves because everyone is whole alone.

Although I am grateful for their heartwarming response, I didn't know how to promote it yet. People said that the most influential platform to promote anything now is TikTok, so I tried posting a teaser of my music video.

An hour goes by, there were only a couple of views. I decided to make a funny TikTok video with my father and post it just for fun. Unexpectedly, the video went viral and gained six million views. I posted another one and it gained a million views. This automatically made me gain a lot of followers and they listened to my music too! I am so amazed by how God works his ways to help me.

At the end of the day, I prayed to God about how grateful I felt. One day, I'll tell my children about March 18, 2022.


By Sharen


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